Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

oh no, your government doesn't want me anymore.
I'm flying back to Australia Feb 14/15th.
I plan on training as much as I can between now and then.
I'll be back in the states in May/June. Probably start on the East Coast, and visit SF towards the end.
You guys better not have piked by then.

it's been fun


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Comment by Chris on January 30, 2009 at 5:30pm
Comment by orem on January 30, 2009 at 5:22pm
aw i'm gonna miss you. take care in aussie land and have a good time training with the folks there ;)
Comment by hillexallen on January 30, 2009 at 7:09am
Damn, you won't be able to do the documentary :(
Comment by Deejay on January 29, 2009 at 7:21pm
Oh noooooooo!!!
Still, I hope to see you a few times before you're off...

~ Ina
Comment by Kirill on January 29, 2009 at 2:30am

Cant wait till you get back though!
Comment by SafeNSure on January 28, 2009 at 11:04pm
Xavier... I hear you, brother (in Law... that's for sure!)...
Look at it this way: we'll never go away, and you're gonna be welcome always!

But, as much as I think that Melbourne is not too shabby either, consider that times change, and this same Gov't maybe paving your road back, at another point in time, in case -of course- you are gonna be needed for another booming economy sometime, to make up for all the professionals that this Country struggles educating at times...

Hopefully you're not going to be holding a grudge when that happens, and you're gonna give SF another shot.
Comment by Sin on January 28, 2009 at 10:40pm
Its great how they always kick out the cool people, but we have no problem keeping people so long as they mow our lawns or cook our food... I've got it, fly to mexico, run accross the boarder and then you can stay in America and cook dinner for me :)
Comment by hillexallen on January 28, 2009 at 10:29pm
Dude!!! No!!!

Stupid government...well, at least I can legally call the government stupid. Maybe they're not that bad...well, anyway, I will miss you. I'll definitely train with you before you leave.

Good luck with everything!

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