Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Let us know about your snow loving side (not that you can't have snow and parkour at the same time, of course). Let's start with some of the basics:
- snowboard/ski/snowshoe/xc ski and skill level (this isn't parkour: green/blue/black/double black)
- preferred hills
- availability
- transportation

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- I snowboard, usually black runs or above, willing to teach beginners halfday in exchange for full or partial lift ticket; I also cross country ski, though my skis are back in MN, but would consider renting and cruising around
- Kirkwood is still my top choice, but I'm definitely open to others. I do not have any kind of season pass.
- variable availability- maybe some midweek action if the snow is good
- 4 door, 2WD w/chains, space for four passengers but no rack so at most 4+4 boards/skis snuck inside
Fun!! I'd love to join in.

- Myself I'm a old skool skier - preferably moguls, black runs depending on conditions.
- Have started doing some Telemarking, but you have to be so damnably strong (quads) to do that, that I put the project on the back burner for a bit ;-P
- My favorite resort by far is North Star, may get season pass there this year. May know of some lodging / cabins at NS, but need to research.
- Variable availability. Could do midweek, with enough advance planning.
- Not sure of my availability of the car.
- Alpine snowboarder (those are the ones that go with narrow/stiff boards, hard boots, prefer a steep-wide-groomed track and carve it...), but I mellowed down to become a generic free-rider, in case of powder... you never know. ;)
- Heavenly was ok... but I've been only there, at Squaw (ok also) and Sugar Bowl (which frankly doesn't cut it for me, even if they say it has great backcountry)... but that's ok: I'll eat anything.
- Little availability, may be able to do a couple of week ends (1/30? 2/6-7?) adding maybe a Friday.
- Small hatchback, but will carry 4 souls + equipment latched somehow on the roof racks.
- vertical downhill snowboarder, here! ;) speed is my game, i love ice. double blue is my comfort level- less pressure than the survivable double blacks, but i will certainly follow someone into blacks. i have fun in fresh glades. minor jibbing, but that's more for your entertainment!
- Heavenly. buddy passes cost you $50
- weekend availability with notice. mid-week sick day possible.
- i need a ride please! (always up there in tow with my friends)
if it wasn't obvious, my season pass is to Heavenly, buddies i bring pay 50 bucks
Like Ina, I am an old school skier. Grew up skiing Mainly New Hampshire and Vermont. Haven't been in years. Went snowboarding when I first moved out to SF, 20 years ago. Loved it! I could barely move the next day. Heavenly and Squaw Valley have been the two places I have been out here. Wife does not ski so it is not high on our list when we need to getaway...
Not sure of my availability. Will have to play it by ear...
Heavenly seems to be taking the lead for now...
Let's see how many people are actually interested in going, or can make the date on the calender.
- I'm a boarder, mostly on blues or blacks, but I have been known to follow people onto double blacks on occasion.
- Kirkwood is my favorite mountain and where I have my pass.
- Available on weekends
- I have a camry hybrid with snow chains and a rack that holds 4 boards.


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