Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So alot of you guys know im a last minute kinda guy most time. Here is where i'll post up the random training sessions or practices that come up last minute. Bored and want to train today? check this thread and go meet up.

A time, place, name and number seems to work best for this type of situation.

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Oh dude, I can't make it. Sorry.
word to the wise, there's a director there tuesday through friday who you should steer clear of... and if you don't then you don't know me!

His hours are two to ten p.m., so unless you're up for super late training sessions (which I am occasionally), sunday all day or monday after six is the best time to hit west sunset.
I am also down for a session friday the 22 at the sunset community center. what time should i be there?
if it's just a few people it shouldn't be a problem, just chill out for a minute if you see an old white guy walking around.
hmmm... 2:30 good for you guys? it shouldnt be a problem anyway because its a public park and people are suppost to play at parks right? we shouldnt have any trouble anyway unless we're running on tops of rooffs or tresspassing in the middle school right?
you're too late lol
Anybody up for some training saturday? 4:00-5:00 would be the best start time for me.
Conditioning on Monday, followed by Unconditioning on Tuesday
6:30 @ SF State next to the M line
3 mile interval jog (3 minutes at comfortable jog pace, 90 seconds accelerated, continuously down Lake Merced to the penguin and back - builds both endurance and strength from the speed training).

Scale the rest of the workout to your level
3 reverse cat crawls up the stairs
100 push ups / 25 press ups
100 box jumps
10 Leg Raises on each side (stand on one leg on a pole or an elevated bench, etc, squat all the way down, and come all the way up. It works every muscle in the leg.
20 wall climbs (I'll be skipping out on this one)
Duck Walk 400 meters (we'll see how we're feeling for that one)

20 leg lifts
10 norwegian bastards
200 bicycle crunches
1 minute plank

Tuesday unconditoning.
This is the last day for all you can eat hot pot at Little Sheep Mongolian Hot Pot in San Mateo (S. Ellsworth & 3rd) for 17.99. 6:30 again.

I can take 3 people, we'll need additional rides for more. There will be a 1 hour wait.

Message me if you're in for either.
I'll be at West Sunset (39th and Ortega) tomorrow at 2:30ish pm, anyone's welcome to drop by!
here's my cell (415) 596-6901
sounds good frenchie


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