Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I looked back on 2009, and realized I didn't improve as much as I hoped. I didn't have much time to train due to college applications and Tennis. Personally, I think I'll work harder if I set some goals for this year:

Goal 1: One Story Drop - Concrete (a story is 12 feet right? My best was 10)

Goal 2: Lengthwise Picnic Table Kong (did a 6.5 foot kong outside today, getting there...)

Goal 3: Improve Opposited Sided Vaults (righty speeds, lazys, etc.... ambidexterity is quintessential)

Goal 4: Improved Precision (in all manners)

Most importantly...

Goal 5: Increase the Speed of Everything

And I shouldn't even need to remind myself that safety comes before anything else, after all I did get into my top choice college! =) ...might need my brain

Goal 6: Start Active PK/FR Club at Cal Poly Next Year? (excited = yes)

Views: 45


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Comment by Danny Andreev on April 13, 2010 at 1:28pm
Its hard to "train drops" its how well you can handle the force of impact but you could train to transfer impact force. (good luck, it always hurts me whenever i dont roll on concrete)
Comment by Seng on March 15, 2010 at 3:23pm
Yup, you pretty much summed up my thoughts.
Comment by SafeNSure on March 15, 2010 at 11:38am
@Glyph: very interesting question!
I won't answer for Seng, but my understanding when I read that was "altruism", the "be useful" part of "Be strong to be useful."

Either being the attitude of "do to others what you would have them do to you", or even focusing on helping others without any reward, it seems to be considered by most practitioners an essential component of the discipline.

It is incorporated in general in the communitarian aspect, but specifically by training for emergencies and/or volunteering time and knowledge to support newcomers to the discipline.

Even if just considering it a sport, we pretty-much-all act more boy-scoutish than many other type athletes...
Comment by Glyph on March 15, 2010 at 8:43am
Not to start a tangent here, but compassion is an important element of parkour?
Comment by kingtheking on March 3, 2010 at 8:05pm
@ Seng: I mean mastery over 1 and 2. No hesitation. Multiple times. No fear. No chance of injury. I want to do both in lines, at full runs, everything. TOTAL MASTERY
@Grave: If there is already a pk club, one goal down! haha
@Duper: Thats not a goal, its standard procedure
Comment by marisa on March 3, 2010 at 7:30pm
We should really all make a list like this. if only to help mark our progress. Thanks for sharing and congrats!
Comment by Thomas "Grave" Anderson on March 3, 2010 at 7:20am
Nmity told me hes already getting a pk club started at cal poly
Comment by Seng on March 3, 2010 at 2:18am
Congratulations on getting into your top choice school. That's definitely a good way to start out the year.

I think you know that many of us are going to comment on your first goal so I won't get too into the goal itself, but I do want to ask, how you define accomplishing either of the first two? Are you just doing it once, doing it repeatedly (like 5 times in a row without hesitation), doing it cleanly as part of a continuous run, or some other standard? You've made a lot of improvement in the past year from what I've seen and I hope that when you achieve these new goals, you find ways to make raise your standards aside from just raising the risk (as you cover in #3-5).

BTW, ambidexterity may be essential, but I don't think it's quintessential the way one might argue that running or QM are the quintessential parkour movements, unless perhaps you mean it is the fifth element of parkour (the other four being strength, agility, adaptability, and compassion?).

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