Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

College, frontflips, and public speaking?!

So basically college is amazing. Theres a bunch of time to train, which totally destresses me, and I feel like I'm progressing a bunch. Also happened to recruit 2-3 new trainees haha.

BUT, coolest thing yet, I learned how to frontflip! Which I'm super proud about. I never thought I'd be able to do that, but now that I can, I might start trying to learn more freerunning techniques like palm spins and what not to incorporate into my move set.

FINALLY, I'm giving an informative speech on parkour to my public speaking class next friday. starting it off by defining parkour and contrasting it to "The Office: Hardcore Parkour!" clip that everyone has seen lol. Then I'm probably talking about the origins, ending by moving into the community nowadays and of course attempting to recruit people to try it.

Is there anything else that YOU would want to hear in an informative speech about parkour??????

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Comment by Fyrel on October 14, 2010 at 4:59pm
What he said. Also, don't forget to mention that anyone can do it, old or young, fit or not. Telling them about the community is also a good thing to emphasize; beyond just being a cool activity to do, it's got one of the friendliest communities out there!

Also, congrats on the frontflip! In terms of flips you might want to take a look a the sideflip next. It's a relatively easy to learn move and there's not as much of a mental block, so it's easy to pick up, as well as being very fun to do and easier to control. Good luck!
Comment by Bay Area Parkour on October 14, 2010 at 3:01pm
Thank you.

We always would like to see "safety" emphasized in public presentations:
thorough and controlled training, safe progression, safety procedures when practicing.

Then, explaining parkour mantras:
- be strong to be useful
- to be and to last
- (BApk's own) train hard, stay humble
- etc.

Also, check the info and links sourced in the thread "Keeping Traceurs And Parkour As Safe As Possible".

Good job, and good luck!

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