Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Kingtheking's Blog (9)

College, frontflips, and public speaking?!

So basically college is amazing. Theres a bunch of time to train, which totally destresses me, and I feel like I'm progressing a bunch. Also happened to recruit 2-3 new trainees haha.

BUT, coolest thing yet, I learned how to frontflip! Which I'm super proud about. I never thought I'd be able to do that, but now that I can, I might start trying to learn more freerunning techniques like palm spins and what not to incorporate into my move set.

FINALLY, I'm giving…


Added by kingtheking on October 14, 2010 at 12:48pm — 2 Comments

2010 PK Goals

I looked back on 2009, and realized I didn't improve as much as I hoped. I didn't have much time to train due to college applications and Tennis. Personally, I think I'll work harder if I set some goals for this year:

Goal 1: One Story Drop - Concrete (a story is 12 feet right? My best was 10)

Goal 2: Lengthwise Picnic Table Kong (did a 6.5 foot kong outside today, getting there...)

Goal 3: Improve Opposited Sided Vaults (righty speeds, lazys,…


Added by kingtheking on March 3, 2010 at 12:14am — 8 Comments

Quitting Soda

Since 7th grade i've been addicted to one of the most unhealthy beverages known to mankind, soda. For

some reason it took me till now to realize how much better shape I could be in if I just stopped. Starting

today I'm going to try my best to drink water instead of soda, and hopefully lose some monumental

poundage. Not sure why but I felt like writing this made it more official... like a pledge or something, idk.

Added by kingtheking on August 19, 2009 at 3:12am — 17 Comments

Im bAcK

hey! so i haven't been able to train as much if at all in the city latley. I've been really busy with summer school and everything else going on. hopefully ill break the trend and start coming to the jams more often! oh and im trying to learn how to do a turn vault without landing on a ledge. so... like turn vault into a cat position... any advice?

Added by kingtheking on June 26, 2009 at 7:30pm — 1 Comment

I... Am...So Pissed Off Right Now (Jumpers Knee!)

so I've diagnosed myself with Jumpers Knee. According to the internet its like a slight form of tendonitus you get on the bottom of your kneecap where your shin connects. I noticed an amount of pain in that area after i trained for a couple weeks and had forgot to ice it every night after training =(. Eventually the pain started firing up without me training... NOT GOOD. So I've decided not to train until the West Coast Jam on May 23, that will be my first day back =). In the mean time i intend… Continue

Added by kingtheking on May 10, 2009 at 5:16pm — 3 Comments

Kong to Cat!

Just figured out how to do Kong to Cat's, along with Dash, Speed, and Lazy's into cat. pretty happy. this move had been

bugging me for a while and now its in my growing bag of movements! +) ... its a cyclops... get it?

got a video of some cat work stuff idk wtf to call it...

Find more videos like this on Bay Area… Continue

Added by kingtheking on April 28, 2009 at 7:30pm — 9 Comments

Marin anybody?

comrades, fellow parkour/freerunning peoples of the bay area, would anyone be interested in having a jam in Marin County (my home-front) ?

I would willingly set up an event on the website but I'm not sure if anyone would have the impetus to make the trip. Anybody down? i know a great spot that we won't get kicked out of!

San Rafael High School: 50 seconds in through the end of the… Continue

Added by kingtheking on February 9, 2009 at 9:48pm — 5 Comments

GREAT SUCCESS - Finally Kong Vaulted a Picnic Table

FINALLY, i managed to kong vault a picnic table width-wise. I am pretty happy about this accomplishment (konging a picnic table is commonly known as the beginning steps to a true kong) so i just thought i would sorta brag :) . I also want to reiterate a very important point in parkour, progression. It took me around a full hour of just planting my feet at the edge of the table and jumping off before i was confident in my abilities to clear the table. progressing from landing and jumping off to… Continue

Added by kingtheking on October 20, 2008 at 9:42pm — 9 Comments

Schools cracking down? lol

Junior year is starting for me. It is getting harder and harder to find time to train and progress. I worked hard over the weekend so i could take a day off of summer homework and do some training. I went down to the school down my hill and was working on a kong vault by practicing over a picnic table. after a couple of minutes i was just bouncing off the end of the table. i went back to my starting position totally ready to clear the table when i hear a loud and angry "HEY!". Right before i… Continue

Added by kingtheking on August 18, 2008 at 9:26pm — 8 Comments

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