Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

  • 43, Male
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States
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Pigeon's Friends

  • Mackenzie
  • Onibunny
  • Deejay
  • hillexallen
  • Chris

Pigeon's Groups


Pigeon's Page

Profile Information

RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
Multiple Years
How did you find us?
SFPK link
Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
Nope, no wheels.
About Me:
I like to think I practice Kung Fu more than anything else. All of the names that people might have for the things that I do are just specifics, areas of my kung fu that I am working on. Parkour fits into my training mindset as it is about moving without being about fighting.

I heard about buildering when I was about 16 and I wanted in right away. I was nowhere near in good enough condition to join in the fun, so I played around at buildering while I got in shape.

I first heard about free running when I was 24. After that I started testing myself to see how far I could jump, how many push ups... I wanted to see how able I was so I could judge my progress.

I didn't feel like I could keep up with people in a gym, and I didn't like the idea of running on a treadmill. So I started working out in ways that engaged me with my surroundings. As I move forward with my training I have been learning ways to improve my training.

Something that I have found in Parkour is a way to train my fear and trust in myself. Previously I was limited to confronting my fear of heights by simply being in high places. Now I can work toward confronting that fear by moving around in high places... I think I'll start by practicing my balance on the curb ;~P
Other Physical Disciplines:
For a while all I was doing to train was sprinting up hills in my neighborhood (Noe Vally back then). That was fun, but I never made it to the top of Twin Peaks, which was my lone shot goal.

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At 8:33pm on February 3, 2009, hillexallen said…
Ok, I definitely will. What time do you usually accept phone calls at? I have had several awkward experiences with waking people
At 7:54pm on January 23, 2009, hillexallen said…
Ok, I'l come to Upper Noe at 11:30. See you there!

When are you going to GWHS?
At 11:07am on January 16, 2009, hillexallen said…
It's at Sanchez and Day Streets
At 11:06am on January 16, 2009, hillexallen said…
Yeah, come out for Noe Valley training just like Deejay said beneath me.
At 11:03am on January 15, 2009, Deejay said…
Up for training at 4:30 or 5pm at Upper Noe Valley Playground tomorrow Friday?
Also, sign up for the 'Noe Valley group'
At 11:13am on December 12, 2008, Mackenzie said…
Hello Pidgeon. I like that your name is Pidgeon.
At 10:48am on November 29, 2008, Sin said…
sorry man, i am still a bit injured so i am taking it easy this week. but i will make sure to check in with you the next sun that i head out. take care man
At 12:42am on November 26, 2008, SafeNSure said…
Hey Pigeon, welcome!

Glad seeing you're ready to join us outdoor!
It may be interesting to take a look at this guide, in order to start off on the right foot...

But, other than that, come out soon!

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ANDREA BOZZI is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
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María Belén Giraudo Velez is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
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Sep 30, 2021
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"Summer parkour jam"
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Jun 23, 2021
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May 21, 2021
S Abud is now a member of Bay Area Parkour
Feb 20, 2021
rift33 posted a status
"I just wanted to stop in and say hi I'm sure there still is some people on here that will remember me from back in the days."
Dec 16, 2020
Michael Matey commented on Parapsycho's group East Bay Traceurs
Nov 13, 2020
Michael Matey joined Parapsycho's group
Nov 13, 2020
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Nov 13, 2020
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Jul 1, 2020



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