Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

The Traceur Challenge is an idea that originally came from the Overflux community. Here is my version...

I will be posting videos of my favorite physical challenges around the city. I hope to see everyone else post videos of their progress on the same challenges. These challenges focus on conditioning and are things that everyone can do. The point is to beat your own personal best and do some conditioning. People should also post their own favorite challenges so that everyone else can try the things you like to do. Make sure to post the location with the video so people can find it.

This first challenge is at USF: Kittredge Terrace and Golden Gate Ave. Hold on to the horizontal concrete with your fingers and keep your feet on the lowest ledge. This was my personal best so far. Now lets see some other people try it!

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As you can see in this next video Lindsay made this look easy on her first try. We came to the conclusion that this is easier for women due to a lower center of gravity. So if you ladies want to make this more challenging, hold on one notch lower on the wall.

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Replies to This Discussion's all in the breathing and technique!
(and speed... secret #1: you don't want to hang there more than necessary)
wow... i like how you started really slow and them sped up... LOL...
I have a new challenge.

First: crawl up this staircase (or long staircase of choice, just keep using the same set) backwards- from the bottom up.

Then: time it and see how long it takes to reach the top. Try to shorten the breaks at each landing, and speed up your crawl, once you get the timing and technique down, you'll do it smoother and faster.

And then: if you've reached your goal time, throw in the forward crawl back down the stairs, and time that. please don't face-plant at this point.

Another challenge: do a rail crawl up the set. Goal: the entire thing without falling off O_O

Good Luck and Be Careful!
These stairs are killer at the top. I not sure about this, but I'll try.
Actually, please don't face-plant at any point... ;)


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