Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I know that everybody has a favorite pair of shoes to PK in. I like the Rbk Ventilators, HillexAllen likes the Freerunners and mikeywr likes the Savants. I was just wondering what is your favorite PK shoe and why? is there some special grip, or some great padding, or cushioning? Maybe this discussion will help someone in the market for PK shoes. So people, please post your favorite shoes. And maybe post a photo of them or a video of them being used.

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started with merrells which gave me enough goodness to get a solid base. freerunners have been throwing me forward progresss-wise ever since. (merrells sole last a solid 5 months with almost daily sessions or use)
Here is how I feel about shoes...

Relying on specific shoes leads to poor technique imo.
Yeah, I know relying on specific shoes leads to poor technique, but what is your dream PK shoe. What is your favorite shoe and why?
haha, nice video
"OMG!... this shoez rool-this shoez suk... this shoez are 300 -fokin -dollars! Lez getthem... batch!"

Didn't DB say "the best shoe is your bare foot"?
I'll trade that for (pretty much) ANY shoe...
;), shelter, clothing... shoes... any.
i would love freerunners, that had the stick of regualr rubber on metal, i absoplutly love my freerunners, but when it comes to metal percisions they actually dont help @ all. however wall run=HEAVENLY
The best shoes are whatever you're wearing at the time, as far as I'm concerned.

I like having just one pair of all-purpose shoes (my hiking boots), and teaching myself to do anything in them. It feels great knowing that I can tic tac and dash in the the same shoes that will carry me 10 miles through the Sierras.
nice bio! I'm with you.
Okay... Now let me rephrase this. What are your favorite specific shoes for parkour. If you think that there should be no specific shoe to use, then post the one you happen to train with most often. I want real responses ( no offense to bio or kaos.) offense to you either, but maybe you are a bit pushing this "research" on everybody.
Out of 6 answers you've got on this thread, 50% said they don't care (or they care for not caring...), the other 50% said freerunners.

So be it: if you don't care whatever trainers/sneakers/boots/ will work.
If you do care probably a shoe called "freerunner" will do the job all right, won't it?
Even if it won't do the flips for you... (will it?)
Ok, about this whole shoes thing:

Shoes are not worth talking about all day. They are useful, though, they are the only equipment commonly used in parkour, and they deserve a little bit of attention. Technique is way more important though. We don't even have a thread about technique!!! I think we are focusing a little too much on shoes these days, and not enough on proper technique.

But, to answer your question, Anton, I like the freerunners because they have good grip. No big deal. They don't help as much as practice and proper technique.
For those who love Reebok Ventilators, I was at the big box shoe store (Shoe Pavilion?) in Emeryville last weekend and they were on sale for $40. Supplies limited to stock on hand, as tends to be the case with these liquidators.

Personally, they didn't fit me so I picked up a pair of Puma Burmei XC mostly based on looks, fit and the hope that they will slip nicely into the pedals on my bike, dunno if they'll be any good for pk. Probably not any better or worse than normal running shoes but we'll see.

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