Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Recently I've been trying to develop a downward kong, and have utterly failed. I began by just trying to kong through my legs from a push up position and noticed i can barely even do that. This is very discouraging. I also realized I have trouble konging without having forward momentum. any advice, more stretching? more practice? anything... this is really angering me

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Instead of starting from a pushup/plank position, shift your weight back to your legs so are basically crouched with your arms stretched forward. While arms can certainly keep speed up through the movement, most of your pace is going to be generated from your legs- you are basically jumping from one spot to another and using your arms as a balance to allow you to control how your feet move from behind you to under you. That is true regardless of over/level/downward kongs.

Getting your legs through your legs from a pushup position (basically the middle part of a burpee), is an exercise in abdominal strength and quickness and flexibility of hamstrings. Staying compact will help you a lot- from a pushup, you're basically rotating your torso and bringing your knees to your chest.

If you are having problems konging without forward momentum, it probably means you need to work on power in your legs. Try to reduce your run up when practicing. Standing broad jumps (or their popular pk variant, precisions), box jumps and pistols are good exercises for this, esp if you add some load.
thanks for the tips. i made it through my arms when i started in the position u suggested! your right i need to work on my ab strength. Whats a pistol??? also does anyone know any good ab workouts using a pull-up bar (just got one, I'm addicted) also think i need to work on my flexibility, any stretch suggestions?
...these can obviously (and more strenuously) be done from a bar too (make sure to squeeze abs at the top of the movement).

i just tried these...holy shit, so difficult because of my lack of abs, there amazing haha
Leg pistols aka one-legged squat (no equipment necessary):

As with many one-legged exercises, balancing develops some core strength also. For more focus, hold a weight with both hands in front of you or do it while balancing on a thin platform (parking block, rail, edge of a wall, etc.).
I GOT IT! i solved my problem. i think i was using my hands to much because when i tried using my legs more than my arms...GREAT SUCCESS! Instead of trying to kong through my arms i used them as little as possible, just for the extra push and guidance. can't wait to work more on the dong (downward kong) at SOTA on sunday! Thanks for the help
...LOL to "Dong"!
Huge success, you mean?

Is it hard to overstate your satisfaction? >_>
Reach farther than normal through the tips
Off one foot ass up head forward
The first couple of times think of it like a catch with your hands
Then use them more as a transition
Always into a run to save the shins
Thus Spoke Dong Master... (for real!)
Dong practice shall begin at SOTA on sunday haha...I have oficially named the downward kong. thanks for the tips Aero... im still working to improve it...


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