Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

i'm changing the purpose of this thread to "all things related to womens' jams!"

it started as a planning/preparation thread for the first womens jam, but we've come a long way now and i want to open this up to include any forethoughts/duringthoughts/afterthoughts on the jams.


---------------------i'll just keep the orignal post below------------------------------------------------------------
calling all ladies!! i'd like to gather some ideas for planning baparkour's first all women's jam! all levels welcomed!

we'll start with a warm up-- jog and conditioning
skills training, practice
cool down and debrief

help me answer some of these questions:

1. Day of the week? perhaps a Saturday?... unless we want to compete with the normal Sunday jam? and let's pick a date that gives us 2 weeks notice.

Also, hope we can do this when Andrea's ankle is healed...

2. Location?! static or mobile? we can (try to) spend all day in one favorable spot. Or start at the Embarcadero and work the downtown area a little.
i'll do some weekend checking-things-out. and i have to believe that a group of girls will not be as likely to be kicked out of a spot, i'd hate to use my uterus to our advantage but.... ;)
... or maybe i'm wrong and we'll be running!

3. These are very preliminary and i want it to be a very open discussion, so... What else?!

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welcome Jen, we love noobs! :) saturdays definitely aren't out the question, just keep an eye out on the calendar. train with ya soon!
i'd like to report a very successful women's jam today! a good amount of first-timers showed up which was totally awesome, so after introductions we stretched, took a warm up jog, did some conditioning, and got into the skills! i had a lot of fun so i hope everybody else did too. we showed an onlooker a very good time and made her laugh as well! i thought we were going to recruit her into it!

we had 7 people today without some of our regulars, so it was a decent turn out, and i imagine it will only get better! do any of the ladies that came have any suggestions for the next women's session? oh, and i like this spot a lot, there was a lot of spaces we didn't even get to before tiring! one step at a time...

oh, and we did go for ice cream (durian = hork) afterwards for a cool down, and in the debrief we decided that sundays are a good day to continue the women's jam. we'll shoot for monthly unless there's a demand for a higher frequency in which case we'll plan those further but everybody does know about bapk's other events!

Hi ladies, just wanted to say that I had a great time learning some new skills with you all. I'm sore as heck today, but I look forward to seeing you all again soon!
Congrats to all: attendees and coordinators!

Fear not coming to any of the other BApk events, even just to watch, or to pick up at your own speed.
I promise we don't bite... and, especially at the Sundays beginners training, Jodie, Haley, Andrea or Faye would set everybody straight if one would try to... lol!

Seriously, good job!
deliciously sore today! thanks!
"deliciously sore" :]

if you like the soreness, wait'll you see how you feel about the power increase
i'm just going to update on this thread here how well the 2nd Women's Jam went today, we had 9 really active participating women and it was lots of fun training with new faces! i think that if we got all of bapk's traceuses all together at once, it'd be huge! it's very exciting.

if any you girls can't make it to these once-in-a-while women's jams, put up some suggestions of when you want to meet, i'm sure we can put something together!

BAPK Girls
aye today was awesome :) good job everyone. lots of soreness and fast recovery to you all! see you soon i hope
Hmm.. it's a funny coincidence that Messenger33 actually linked to us, thank you!

Hello all, my name is Shi and my friend Sharon and I run that features traceuses world-wide.

About Us- Mission Statement

We've been really fortunate to have girls from all over the world contribute to the site, from Australia, Canada, England, Mexico, Sweden, USA..and more! and it's really great to see the girls' scene here and we'd like to be kept updated on what's happening with the girls' jams.

If anyone would like to write an event review and send in photos we would be more than happy to include them :)

Event Reviews


Happy training, and good luck with the girls' jams! :)
How about posting some of the events and write-ups to the girlparkour site? We've got one of the most diverse parkour communities anywhere, people should know and be inspired.
You guys may like this, warming up for your jam:
who "guys"?


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