Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So alot of you guys know im a last minute kinda guy most time. Here is where i'll post up the random training sessions or practices that come up last minute. Bored and want to train today? check this thread and go meet up.

A time, place, name and number seems to work best for this type of situation.

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..can't you make tomorrow?
(note that Chris posted the date wrong, but from the post and thread it's clearly tomorrow)
Anyone planning on doing some training this Saturday (tomorrow) around/near downtown SF?
im down for some training today... anyone want to train in sf please call me 415-254-2838
I'd like to start regularly training again finally. The most accessible times for me are after work on weekdays, because I'm already in the city. I can leave any time between 4 and 6 to get to a jam, and I work on 2nd and Market. I just signed up for that session at the park on Monday, but anyone interested in starting something regular on the weekdays?
hey D-pants! my office is moving to 1st and market in november. know of any spots right around there? it'd be so convenient, and i'd love to train more in the downtown area. there's always embarcadero too.. we'll be in touch
Eli and Jodie, I work pretty close as well (Sansome and Battery) on Union St. Let me know if you decide on a place and time. I will also keep an eye out for some decent places.
Buzz me as well. I work in Union Square...
I'm a rank beginner, but I'd definitely be into some after work training in the downtown vicinity.
Well awesome, sounds like we could get a little office team going here. : - ) I'd like to jam regularly in the area after work at least 2 days a week, but I'm up for anything. I'll be at the session in Ocean View playground today, maybe I'll see some of you guys there. Otherwise I would definitely be interested in setting up some regular semi-weekly sessions. Probably 5:00 or 5:30 is best for me, let me know what works for you guys.
There's a NEW GROUP for SF downtown training!
Check it out/subscribe, and you will able to send out alerts about random training specifically to those members only...
tomorrow Monday 13th crispy, i like to vault things, and i am going to train at around 1:30 in the afternoon. we dont know exactly where yet if any one wants to join please feel free ot msg me. Possible locations are going to be city college, state, ghws, or ocean view park. phone number in case any one wants to join would be 415-254-2838 thnx
nvm i juss got called into work... hit me up for wed and thurs sessions


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