Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

hey everyone im new to parkour and i was wondering what i should learn first

i have already asked some other guys and they said to watch a ton of other videos

they were very helpful in understanding the history and foundation of parkour but not really anything for beginners

anything will help (comments, questions, suggestions)

thank you

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Have you already gone through the official BApk starter kit? The beginner's guide is a good first step, but if feel you must watch videos online instead of getting out to an actual training session, Chris's is a good place to start.
ok thanks man
meh, you've seen enough vids now. it's time to go outside.

pick a few events out, and attend em
you really think im ready what if i mess up or something
i mean i have down some stuff with my friend and he's really good so i guess i should ask him if he could mentor me r something
Some amount of failure during training is inevitable; if you never mess up, it probably means you're not working hard enough.
thats so true


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