Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

I noticed that we are all basically one big happy PK family...However, i also noticed that we only congratulate our fellow peers when we are in front of them in a session... i wanted to start a thread were we congratulate people for overcoming obstacles that were difficult for them, thus making each other stronger mentally and also making each other closer as friends... whether the obstacle may be a vault that was never done before or someones fear of heights not only torecognize peoples progression over time, but to record it or to have a written calender to show how we progress, and to see if anyone has a question on how to do a certain movement...

I, for one, will begin this thread and add to it every time i see someones progression... today I saw Jason "technique" progress to doing a palm spin, and learning how to progress himself into a more efficient kong... congrates Jason and keep going...

I know PK is not being viewed very well in the publics eye, but when they notice how friendly we are and how warming we can all be they will soon see the light and follow our paths to making oursleves and each other stronger... is anyone with me???

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I saw people do some conditioning exercises (tall Ryan, Seng, Edgar, & others) AND push through the point where most people would quit. Mad props!
Congrats on starting this awesome thread!
Congrats on Jason's cat walk on the rails, and Sigmund's crazy ninja walk on the rails.
Steve (Just Steve) polished off his kong last night at acrosports! awesome to watch the forward momentum following through... good work!! now take it outside! ;)
Thanks Jodie! At last, it all came together yesterday. (Timing , Coordination, Speed). I got the Kong...outside! I could not have done it without your input and encouragement. Also I want to give a shout out to Giorgio, Chris, Jordan, Kamau, and Dimitri for taking the time to help me get this. You all rule!
...this forgotten thread should be updated daily!
At times because of advancement in raw technical skills, other due to people overcoming mental challenges, and finally because of new commitment or old dedication.

...ok, I'll start -from the top of my head, and only about peeps that started with or after me, in no particular order-; everybody else pitches in:
- Jordan and Andrea are back! Both kick ass...
- Kamau throws crazy -yet controlled- stuff outdoor, after training more -out of control- stuff in the gym (extensively training!).
- Haley muscles herself up
- Ryan and Seng routinely double kong stuff
- Jodie and Dana mental toughness scares me
- Edgar and Jason (aka Duper...) kick generic ass
- at least 5/6 "kids" (North or South Bay), which will remain unnamed are devoured by the desire to progress, slowly, steadily, or efficiently, doesn't matter...

...and so on! (really!!!)
I'm stoked by this community...
i like being paired with Dana :)
wow this is an excellent thread. good job resurrecting it, G. i've seen so much progression it's hard to remember it all. i mean when i came back this fall you guys had become monsters, and the community had grown so much. i'm pumped as well by BAPK's progression and expansion, training hard to spread pk in the bay :]
Wow! This is a sweet thread!

Nice job on doing the frontflip (before me,) Kirill =)
Kirill can do a frontflip now?! Whoo, damn.
Well, yes...essentially.

We're going to practice them more often if you want to come practice with us. ;)

He did it before me because I was too scared. Great mental toughness.


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