Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

ok i started this over at first because this site was UNDER FREAKING MAITainNENCE! so i cut and pasted from there. NO DRAMA just a good chance to get more people to chris's sessions or to either forum (personally i dont give a flying FFFlllleeewoooooeeeeyyy) but i need help and its on saturday. 949-677-9507 call me up if you want to be a part of it. even just manning a table to talk about what it is and hand out a flyer.


"Relay For Life" Performance/Demo??????
Are You In A Band? A Dance Group? Tumbling? (sunset / parkside)

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Date: 2008-04-23, 2:15PM PDT

I find this on craigslist.-----

Any kind of performer? Then we want you!

This Satuday, April 26th is San Francisco Sunset District's Relay For Life, the American Cancer Society's premier fundraising event. We have plenty of openings for performances still open, and while we aren't able to pay you, you will be performing for hundreds of SFSU college students and members of the community with your name in the program--great exposure!!

Please email me if you are interested in helping save lives and advancing your career at the same time!


Sounds like a decent enough cause. I dont know about a demo or anything but we could jam around and teach people probably....Sent an email with my number cause i realized its in two days. Is anybody down to do this with me?
Last edited by AeroSFCity : Today at 01:35 AM. Reason: time

Today, 02:27 AM #2

Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 404

So she responded within a few hours and i got home late so i checked.-

You know what, I'm retarded, I didn't even read the
subject of your email, which clearly states you want
to do a demo at Relay haha...don't mind me!!

As I said before, we would absolutely love to have
you. Please answer a few questions for me if you

(1) Is there a specific time you would like to do a
demo, or would you like us to schedule a time for you?
(2) Is there any special equipment you would need for
your demonstration?
(3) Would you like to set up a table to advertise SF

Hope to hear from you soon!


So yeah it could become anything now. From jsut a cool situation to do some jamming or teach some basic vaults, how to incorporate pk into fitness, just spread at a table after i do a one person demo cause nobody helped.(worst case) lethalbeef? austin? nosole? meatlad? any of the new crews or beginner groups out there? We just need to show that ANYBODY can come do what we do on some level. call me up 949-677-9507=======WE HAVE 1 DAY TO PREPARE

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...very nice initiative.
A little short term...

We could easily have a small representation of the age groups/sexes/levels that train together here, depending on time and format of event, and availability of people.

My opinion is that the most representative person to talk about that would be Kaos, who
1. set up and co-runs a regional community (New England Parkour)
2. founded and co-runs a national community (Parkour North America)
3. started the first US regular parkour radio talk show (Parkour Radio)
4. has taught 75+ beginners only in the Bay Area in the last 12 months
5. has conceived and produced a series of parkour "untutorials" (Progression), where the goal is not demonstrating/teaching specific techniques, but facilitating a progressive system of learning and developing a PK-eye, -mentality and -approach to your environment.
[ehm... no, I'm not sponsored "Kaos"... lol!)
kaos is a busy guy and this is last second. I would LOVE to have all the begginner group "regulars" and irregulars come to this. I want to show what it is we really do and what it is really like to train around with us. So it is at Lowell High School and it starts at 1030. She told me i could go train around SFSU and the mall too. Haha if she only knew...

So yeah im running around trying to get flyers made and stuff. and are gonna be on it for now.

Im really shocked though. When she told me we could do this i was stoked. i post it up here and at and nobody seems down to be a part of it. oh well The Lone Ranger must man up.

Any other ideas or discussion points though? clinic ideas.

Since it is at Lowell so close to State, and there is the big fundraiser relay, i was thinking we do a few quick running jams through state or the mall, then loop back to the relay. Try to bring more people round. or take them with us.
ack, i've work at that time.... maybe post this as an event too, more people may notice it.
i wanna go come. we should do this at my school(Thurgood Marshal) people seem to be interested in things like this there, i like to show them little tricks that make them go wide-eyed, but i havent been able to start a pk club there yet. this is really cool, how we'er expanding the pk community in the bay area.
I just got off the phone with Ryan. I think this would be a nice opportunity to tell people about our new site and expose some potential traceurs to what we do. We can give demonstrations and teach people some basic movements. One thing that will set us apart from other people who might do this demonstration is that we will focus on the beginners. We should not show big flashy dangerous movement, but instead show things that will help people understand how we train.

So Saturday we will have a table set up at this event. Ryan will post the flier he plans to use as well as more details as they come. It would be nice to get a lady to join us to show the event goers that parkour is not all guys.
BAParkour-----Beginners Answer Parkour. BAP!!!
this sounds really great... i am going to see what i can do to make it, so consider me tentative right now.. more like probably (closer to definite)! i might be a little late but not too late
awesome. lets all try to think of some good makeshift obstacles we can use. (table, cahirs, duct tape)
actually can i ask what time you guys are doing this till? i end class at noon and i can arrange free time till 7
shes keeps changing the time on me right now it is no long 1 pm but NOON
well i won't be late if it's at noon :)


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