Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So alot of you guys know im a last minute kinda guy most time. Here is where i'll post up the random training sessions or practices that come up last minute. Bored and want to train today? check this thread and go meet up.

A time, place, name and number seems to work best for this type of situation.

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7pm-9pm $7

Takes me 15 min from GWH to in the gym. (50 mph on them hills)

Crazy set ups and alot of very thick mats. Write BAPK in the corner when you sign the waiver.

Olympic lifting...?
So far, Jodie, Jason, Ryan, maybe Giorgio and Steve are the takers on this. Awesomeness!

Map here For rides: I'm at four one five 690 zero zero two six.

And, thank you all for coming out yesterday - really fun to hang out with you guys!!
may not make this in time. i'll try though and take the late bus (giorgio) :)
Going to try to be at Saratoga High School today (Sunday) around 1 pm.
If no one else comes, I'll just stay for an hour or two, but I'm free the whole day so I could potentially stay longer.
650.444.3172 for questions. Text or call; makes no difference.
Anyone for Barkely gym tonite (Tuesday aug 11)? Text me at four one five 690 zero zero two six.
Back from vakay and ready to move again! Will probably default to the Presido unless anyone has another suggestion. 5/5:30ish. I'm at 8o5-5o9-triple3-5
How about tomorrow?
I know Andrey has a group at Rochambeau Playground (25th and California) at 6pm on Fridays. However, it seems he himself will not be there this week but I'm sure the usual crowd will come.

I'll probably go there, but I need to bring the girls with me...
anybody wanna train around 5:30 or six today i'm free. # is on my page
...won't be training this WE, but will fit in an hour or so this PM.
3:30/4 to 5, Presidio area, can give short ride.
Txt me if interested: 9-uan-sefen-3-sefen-uan-4593
any chance of deleting the messages after they're a few days old? doesn't seem to make sense to keep them for "last minute training sessions"
...hmmm... true.
Aside, maybe, inspiring people not to be shy and just post when you go train w/o anybody in tow?

Maybe we will close this thread (w/o deleting it... we are kind of attached to our 27 pages of 'last minutes'... lol) and open another which could be managed that way... good suggestion!

In the meantime: click always on "replied" or "last reply".


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