Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

what kind of stamina (if that can be gauged!)
is needed to begin pk?

can you suggest gym run times? outdoor running better?

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treadmills suck, run outdoors. It's a totally different feel.

To get your endurance up, alternate between running and walking, say 5 lots of 3 minutes jogging, 1 minute walking (adjust as necessary for your current ability). Then decrease the walking time, up the jogging time. You want to get to all jogging for 20 minutes (no matter how slow). From there it's just a matter of doing it regularly.

Once you're comfortable with that, start working on longer runs and speed work.

FWIW, I only stretch afterwards. If I'm doing a hard session I'll make sure to warm up first with a light jog. The scientific advice on this has been changing a lot recently. I have tried both and this works for me - if I stretch after my warmup the legs have normally cooled down when I start running again, so I just stretch afterwards to avoid muscle soresness.
Well running is key I would say...cause if you can last than you can train. Especially when training alone, it's good to have stamina, since there is no one else there to really input a source of motivation. I try running miles regularly, everyday if I could, but I've been feeling physically tired lately. Yup, running.
yeah i agree...treadmills are a complete waste of money and enviroment :+D
outdoor runnings way better
if i were u tryna get fit and adjusted to parkour u shud just go down to the park pick a spot in the distance and run there
then do it again when u reach that destination. if u do that around 5-10 times at intensity then u will get alot out of it
i've been doing track for a while, and i love running. i would suggest trying to run a mile in or under 10 min? for starters if you want to work on running and stuff. I do long distance and sprinting, and for me, jogging an easy 3 miles(30 min), is a great warm up. but definitely run about a lap around the block or something, then stretch, then go running. but always stretch a lot afterwards. and don't shoot for distances you can't handle, but you still need to push yourself a little more every time. and if you feel really tired, don't ever stop. try jogging as slow as possible without walking until you think you can continue, or you can just finish the run at that pace.
and good shoes are a MUST. go to fleet feet, they're the best.


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