Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Hello Traceuses, Traceurs

I have been catching myself procrastinating lately. IN fact, I am procrastinating right now. lol. That was pretty ironic. Does anyone combat this issue a lot? Do you peeps know some ways of how to get rid of this nasty habit? We all know that leaving things to the last sec is bad...But a lot of people still do it! I should probably try to exercise my power of will shouldn't I? Any good strategies on how to overcome this Obstacle?

Thanks to everyone for any input!

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Nike Just Do It
we will never win. haha
i guess u could just procrastinate and face the consequences a few times and soon u'll fear the consequences more than the actual work
haha. Ive done that. Seemed to temporarily help XD
Same...Ms. Scafuri's class >_/body>
I still do not understand why I procrastinate even though I know it will harm me.

I think that procrastination is like rolls. It is hard to work on, and just when you think that you have conquered it, you find out the hard way that you haven't. It is just another very tough obstacle in our lives.

In fact, I am actually procrastinating right now. I need to study for a Biology test, but I am putting it off for writing this philosophical essay.

Bye, and good luck defeating procrastination.
Let's each write something that we are procrastinating about, and maybe it will help us stop.

I am procrastinating about studying Chinese.
>.< bad idea... chinese is one of those things where u gotta look at everyday or else.....
Hey, you didn't post anything about your procrastination!

And you're right, as soon as you stop studying, everything goes down the drain.
Nah, if you're a native, reviewing every couple days or so is good.

Unless you're like me and just picked up Chinese again after years of not doing anything other than speaking it. Ouch.

I'm procrastinating on math homework right now. Like I always do. Honestly though, my grade's not gonna get any better or worse, so I find that I don't care much.
lol i like to plan everything before I do it, just planning hours to procrastinate before you start things... It feels just like procrastination , but I know when I have to start working so I don't run out of time...
Hell i procrastinate all the time...
Oh and i never study for my chinese tests, except during the 15 minutes before the test...
speaking from experience, for me procrastination is due to fear of failure. I figure if i don't do it I can't do it wrong. I have gradually conquered that with the knowledge the most of the things I procrastinate on I can redo (ie legal writing). The knowledge that I get a second chance helps a bit.

The bottom line is that I move past my procrastination by knowing that whatever I do can always be improved. From that point I know that even my worst efforts will improve eventually.

not sure if that helped, but that is my take.


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