Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So after a few months of some slight back pain I decided it was time to go see the doctor. I am always hesitant to go see a doctor. The good thing about going is you know what is wrong with you, the bad thing is that you know something is definitely wrong with you.

Well I officially have Degenerative Disk Disease in my lumbar spine with narrowing between my vertebra at the L3-4, L4-5 junctions along with sciatica in my right leg.

I don't really know what caused it, frankly i don't care. Now I have to start a new journey, this isn't just about parkour, this is about health. My journey now is to achieve a physical condition in which I can begin to exercise again. Right now I am not allowed to participate in any sports until I begin physical therapy (Feb 9). I am just getting my body stretched out daily with the hopes that once I begin physical therapy I will be able to get out and at least ride my bike.

Maybe eventually I will be back out with you guys, but for now I have a different journey to undertake. Wish me luck

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Comment by Philosofist on January 29, 2009 at 5:07am
You can do it. With a sense of humor and a good attitude you'll be back.
Comment by Kirill on January 29, 2009 at 2:28am
Good Luck.
Comment by Seng on January 29, 2009 at 1:45am
Sorry to hear that. Good luck with the recovery. Gimme a shout if you want to roll around on two wheels.
Comment by SafeNSure on January 28, 2009 at 10:08pm
Good luck, Matt and, make no mistake: you will be back!

Also, whenever you feel comfortable explore the idea of seeing also a (good) Chiropractor.
I know personally at least three individuals, who developed chronic back pain due to professional abuse (posture), whose life (at least the professional one) has been saved by chiropractics...

But take your time, and check in every so often.
Comment by Just Steve on January 28, 2009 at 9:40pm
Well that sux! Sorry to hear that. Good luck with your recovery...

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