RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
Multiple Years
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Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
Maybe. My mom has a van.
About Me:
I'm 15 years old. I'm small for my age and very agile and I like to freak out my mom by leaping over chairs in the living room and stuff.
Other Physical Disciplines:
Well I'm good at running, jumping and hopping things (ie. fences, small gates, chairs). I practice with some friends at school while we're at lunch. I am also skilled at slumping in a chair for hours at a time with a glazed expression on my face playing X-Box.
Hi guys - me (Jen) and Youssif want to say thank you to everyone who organized the jam and the barbecue !! Youssif had a great time and learned some new stuff. Thanks to everyone who gave him pointers & guidance, as always !! I had a great time too, it's always fun hanging out with you guys. =)
Great Youssif (and "Mom")! Glad you'll make it Sunday...
I'm a dad myself (as JustSteve... while DeeJay is a mom...), and, while nobody is getting any younger, everybody is welcome to join and can benefit at least from the warm-up and conditioning part of the session.
Everyone at his/her own pace, sweatpants better than skirts, and sneakers better than heels... other than that it's free for all!
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Good luck training, and keep at it!
I forgot about this thread:
Take a look and maybe you could check if Elliot is still interested.
I'm a dad myself (as JustSteve... while DeeJay is a mom...), and, while nobody is getting any younger, everybody is welcome to join and can benefit at least from the warm-up and conditioning part of the session.
Everyone at his/her own pace, sweatpants better than skirts, and sneakers better than heels... other than that it's free for all!
Check out this guide, to start out on the right foot...
And you may want to sign up with these kids.