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Time Training:
Brand New
How did you find us?
Friend's referral/invitation, Search engine, local gym trainee
About Me:
New to Parkour. Starting date was 6/29/12 and it's was love at first sight! I've been training and learning more about the inspiring philosophy behind movement. I feel at home. I hope to grow in Parkour and learn more and more and meet some cool folks to experience it with.
Other Physical Disciplines:
I'm into movements of various types as a whole. While i would never claim to be a master of any discipline I love being a jack of them all. I ride a mountain bike and bmx diamond back, skate (mostly into bombing down big hills and riding the concrete waves), dance (when the music is right and there's space to get down), and stretch daily and do calisthenics to keep me limber.
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"no... why?"
Comment Wall (4 comments)
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Hey mate, You'll have to show me somethings then. I have a strange work schedule, but I am down to learn...Maybe you can show me some stuff to catch up. I have dones ome research but cant seem to find any for sure classes or anything nearby. I reckon Id want to take gymnastics too. Later man
Hey mate... I am actually brand new to the idea. Don't know how to do any of this. I want to learn, train in the gym often, learning silk aerials and next up is park our. I'm in west Oakland... Any tips I'd love if you can give me some tips
Comment Wall (4 comments)
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All healed... but need to build up a little strength and endurance. I've gotten so out-of-shape!
Hey mate, You'll have to show me somethings then. I have a strange work schedule, but I am down to learn...Maybe you can show me some stuff to catch up. I have dones ome research but cant seem to find any for sure classes or anything nearby. I reckon Id want to take gymnastics too. Later man
Welcome Sauce!
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