Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

How about we come down and give you a taste of what BApk is all about?!
...great! But we'll need your help, before we set up an event.

Aside of SJ, the only spot we know of is:
De Anza College
21250 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Cupertino, CA 95014

(click for map)

We'll need to understand ASAP if:
1.) it's convenient enough to get there (either by car, or by Caltrain/bus), on a Sunday noonish;
2.) anybody knows of a better/closer spot instead;
3.) there's anything else close by to fall back on, in any unforeseeable case;
4.) you would commit to come... say next Sunday, October 12...

Let us know, thanks!

Views: 44

Replies to This Discussion

That would be great; it's not too far and I hear it's a great spot. I'm not familiar with any good spots around here, so it sounds pretty good to me.

Next Sunday would be awesome. :D
Sounds good to me, I would be able to come.
I'm not sure if I could commit to next sunday, but you know that I'm amped for a jam down here. If I have a chance later, I could check out De Anza and the surrounding area to see what's up.
You wanted it... you'll get it!
Excellent! Time and place are fine for me.
>.< My physics project is failing, so I have to fix that instead. Hopefully I'll make it next time...
If you guys decide to meet up at De Anza again (despite the security I heard you guys ran into) I could make it.
Check the event page for this week training (Sunday 10/19)...


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