Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Hi, I'm new to any advice or any form of help is appreciated please!!! I was impressed with Parkour when I saw The Great Challenge but at that time didn't fully go into it in details. That was years back. Now it came up through another movie & I'm into it now. Basically, I'm so new to this as said...SO PLEASE HELP OUT!!! :)

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Hi Alicia,
Welcome! I am pretty new too! I started about a month ago, but BAPK is great - they organize a lot of beginner jam sessions and conditioning sessions which are all free and you can learn a lot from everyone because there are people at all levels who go and everyone is really supportive. If you're free this coming Sunday, we're having a women's Jam over in the presidio and there also might be an informal conditioning session on Saturdaty at Mountain Lake Park at 10am. Sometimes I work out there as well. In any event, look forward to meeting you at one of our sessions. Also, every Monday night at 6:30pm-till whenever, we all meet up at Kezar Stadium and do conditioning there as well, so just come whenever it fits into your schedule. Would be great to meet you.
Hey Michelle...WOW...that's AWESOME!!! As much as I would love to come...problem is I live in Fiji, right out in the South Pacific. :( There ain't much people here that are interested in Parkour. Well to come to think of it, I haven't heard or know anyone who actually is interested in Parkour here in Fiji. I would love to come to one of this events in the future...thanks :)
Welcome Alicia!
Congratulation for being a pioneer in your geographic areas.

Since you cannot -obviously- come out with us, as Michelle was suggesting, at a basic training or all-girls jam, the best would be finding somebody experienced (and safe!) to start with closer to you.
In absence of that it can be extremely useful to check out this beginners guide, and the totality of the "progression" videos, which should -combined- give you a good idea of what, and how, this is all about.
There's more in the Resources section, in our Technique and Methods forum, and among all the other videos, but those are really the basic ropes...
Let us know how you liked them.

You may have to adapt what said to your more natural setting (I wouldn't consider Fiji exactly "urban"...), since we tent to focus on man-made, architectural obstacles; but I may be wrong.
Also, remember safety (and security, especially when training by yourself) is paramount!
Thank you very much for the links & advice! They were surely helpful for a beginner like mi self.
Yes, Fiji is urban, well at least in the city areas but I love to do mi Parkour using the more natural surroundings...trees, hills, rivers, rocks, etc or at home. In that way I wouldn't be trespassing & not make a total fool of mi self out in the public eye, since it ain't that common here yet. Having to have someone Parkour in public here in Fiji would l@@k totally stupid, idiotic, & crazy to on-goers who have no knowledge of Parkour :) lolz
The only time I Parkour in public is when I'm in a rush to get some that's a lot of on-lookers alright :)



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