Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Parkour banned in a town in England (Danial Ilabaca's hometown) due to "associated antisocial behaviour {not of tracers but] of people who are engaging in the sport element, not understanding the philosophy."

I think this really reiterates how tough it is going to be to keep parkour in check in the eyes of the general public and the media. It's fortunate that the council member seemed to understand the difference between a tracer and someone jumping on stuff, but even so they decided to enact the ban.

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Time will tell, but as more and more Parkour/Freerunning is brought to the masses via Freemantle Media and MTV, (creating a global entertainment brand) you are going to see more people "doing" Parkour and consequently more bans. I am waiting for the sign at he playground that says, "No Skateboard, No Bicycles, No Dogs, No Parkour".
Like Seng said, It is pretty interesting that the council member did seem to understand the difference between someone who follows the Philosophy and someone just jumping on stuff. I don't think that will be the norm in most situations. Outcome will be the same. On a more idealistic note, if more people demand it, maybe we will see more city sanctioned Parkour facilities or Parks?
I see that as a bitch for law enforcement...
How are they gonna stop everybody from moving?

I mean, seriously: I can be jogging and doing a bunch of parkour along the way;
Are they going to jog along, and warn/fine me as soon as I go over an obstacle?

That is obviously easier if people congregate and do a stationary, showy 2 hours of freerunning/acrobatic moves...

I know that also parkour jams/trainings often end up being stationary, but the advantage is "they don't have to be".
There is a positive side to this. Ilabaca and some others are discussing it with the officials, so maybe we'll finally come up with some sort of positive response out of all this.
oh this other hand, this is a perfect opportunity for civil disobedience!


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