Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

So alot of you guys know im a last minute kinda guy most time. Here is where i'll post up the random training sessions or practices that come up last minute. Bored and want to train today? check this thread and go meet up.

A time, place, name and number seems to work best for this type of situation.

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Be there at 8
...I'm planning on hitting up again some of last Sunday nomadic training spots.
For fine tuning and filming purposes...

Starting about 6:00pm around USF tomorrow, Thursday, and hopping (driving) the way back.
Anybody in?
Mostly likely I'll be there. If we go to USF again, I can show you another neat spot. Might as well make it an event. Since its so last minute, we won't get many people, but more will see it as an event than see it here (i think).
i might be down.
i'd totally go, but i gotta be somewhere. i'f i'd have known sooner, i wouldve gone....
Sorry: that would defy the purpose of the "last minute training sessions"... lol!
These are made for the poor souls like me (and Aero!...), who stare all day at the screen hoping something is gonna come up...

Sometimes it does...
tonight was awesome. that group is really good for pushing eachother , while not sending anyone to the hospital. (i mean....well we do but....)

Oh yeah " Dont kill yourself! Its cool we'll just give you the shirt"
Not that sending one to the hospital helps anyway...
(note to self: when walking into an ER go on your knees and make strange sounds... otherwise they don't even look at ya...)

Instead: -Kaos is right- we might as well "spot" each other sometimes, which is something that I don't even know that we would know "how to"... maybe worth practicing...
(note to self: beside replenishing the band-aid supply, pack a couple of ice packs, 'cause you never need 'em, until you need'em......)
...small, non-structural, little boo-boos come with the turf.
I'd be surprised to learn that somebody progressing -even with baby steps- doesn't clip, hit, slip, abrade from time to time.

Anyway spotting sounds good, but the reality is that the "miss" comes almost always unexpected.
When you prepare and call for the spotter, usually, you are so "set" that everything goes fine...

BUT: we may want to learn how to tell that a landing area (of a potential fall) is somehow "not clear" = potentially dangerous...
...then again, what do I!

A VIDEO is worth a thousand words...
i cant do tommarrow morning but would anyone care to join me this eavening? i may be at commadore sloat at around 6:30 but i'm totally down with some training tonight. By the way, theres a HUGE parkour intrest at my school and me and a new buddy of mine are gonna start leading parkour club there(Thurgood Marshal Highschool) i waswondering maybe in the near future, kaos can u make a guest appearence? I would let you know when you could come but we'er still setting things up at the moment. Sence youre a really good teacher and a pk expert and all, it would be a good opprotunity for theese guys to get some better instruction and pointers. Anyways, getting back to the main subject, WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO TRAIN THIS EAVENING WITH ME?


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