Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Event Details

Gym Class - SF

Time: March 9, 2011 from 7pm to 8:30pm
Location: Acrosports
Street: 639 Frederick Street
City/Town: San Francisco, CA 94117
Website or Map:…
Phone: 415-665-2276
Event Type: gym, classes, beginners, acrosport
Organized By: Acrosports
Latest Activity: Mar 5, 2011

Event Description

Fall session starts on Wednesday 9/8.

After establishing and leading the first gym program for beginners to intermediates in San Francisco, Chris passed it over to AeroSFCity (aka Ryan) first, and now Jodie (lately helped out by Jason, aka "Duperhero", and now by Niko).

Call (415-665-2276) to find out about actual spots availability, but generally there is room for a few drop-in students.

Drop-ins are now (a ridiculously SF-inflated) $27(!)...
The rate is somehow better if you pay for the entire, or pro-rated, session in advance. (More affordable gym training in Marin, just about over the GG Bridge...)


BApk coaches at this location -since April 2007- (<- lol!... but true!)

A frequent user suggestion: "...if you are just a drop in, try to be pumped, get a good rest the night before, an hearty lunch, drink plenty before/during, get there 6:40, take care of business ($$$ at the office), go on the side of the floor, or for a short run around the block, warm up/stretch, try to get "in the zone", take the class, do everything +1, hydrate plenty, stay for the last "open floor" minutes, and make sure you stretch another 10', while cooling down... overall that will result in almost 2 hours exercise... go home, shower, eat, post on BApk and go to bed... ;P
If it felt good, and you didn't over do it, it was a worthwhile investment...

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Comment by Deejay on July 1, 2009 at 9:47am

Hey peeps, come join me for free pizza at Shine Lounge afterwards.

I'll be deejaying at an event called PULSE, so if you have any power left after Jodie is done with you, maybe I'll get you on the dance floor for the last bit of cardio ;-)
Comment by monk on June 29, 2009 at 5:43pm
i'll be the coach. come on down, it'll be fun! we do about 15 minutes stretch/warm up, 15 conditioning, 45 minutes skills training, 15 minutes free time
Comment by joey bragg on June 29, 2009 at 5:37pm
looks like fun I might come but who is teaching it?
Comment by SafeNSure on June 25, 2009 at 7:55am
Awesome class y-day night! Thanks Jodie...

And what about the fitting music?
"Master, oh Master: how could one become a great DJ?
"One should learn from the mistakes of others..."
[D.J. Cabite - Who Is the Best? - International Battle of the Year 2008]
Comment by Deejay on June 23, 2009 at 10:50am
Can't come tomorrow ;-(
Have fun!!
Comment by Deejay on June 18, 2009 at 6:52pm
Woot to Jodie for an awesome class! And, a full house to boot.
Comment by Chris on June 18, 2009 at 11:49am
@ Jodie - Its great to hear that it went well. I was thinking of you during my volleyball game. I'll have to catch up on the details this weekend.

@Ryan - Don't worry, the kids class is ours if we want it. I actually pushed for Andrew to do it this session just so our brand new coach wouldn't be overwhelmed. If Jodie feels up to it next session it is all hers.
Comment by monk on June 18, 2009 at 10:42am
i think it went well, hope the students thought so too. lots of beginners so lots of basics skills training. next week i'm gonna make everybody breathe harder, and i plan on losing my voice. somebody bring some music!

yeah, the kids-i want them.
Comment by Ryan Fulmer on June 17, 2009 at 10:39pm
How'd it go Jodie? Anybody too sore from a teacher who actually conditions?

Reclaim our kids Parkour class from the gymnasts. Think about it, they would love to see someone more their size move like mad...... It would be perfect.
Comment by monk on June 17, 2009 at 3:57pm
Come a few minutes early if you can, let's get the talking about parkour and stretching underway!

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