Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

not sure if theres a thread like this (none came up in a search) so here it goes

anyone out there in the sunnyvale area? im a beginner and im interested in meeting up with some people. (im not a complete beginner, but im not any good yet)

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Yes, we have a group in the South Bay that practices regularly (usually at Saratoga High school) on Saturdays.

This week's session is here:
i wish i could get there regularly, but i cant. i was looking for something a bit more local. thanks anyways, i'l try to make it out sometime
We'll see about having a session in Sunnyvale.....there was one spot near the Caltrain station we used to hit up every once in a while. If you have any suggestions for spot in Sunnyvale, we'd love to try it out.
thats the problem, there are some spots, but not much that i could really see being able to stay around and do much with
oh, what spot did you mean. the one by caltrain, washington park?
De Anza Park has some nice stuff, and that's right near SMS, near bernardo and Fremont.
check out this map to see some more places to practice:

There are some people at Homestead who practice parkour, in addition to the BAPK South Bay Saturdays. Good luck!
thanks, but im meeting someone by caltrain and thats a bit far to walk.

people at homestead you say? like students, or people who practice at homestead?
There are some students, but a lot of them left (myself included) for college. De Anza College has people as well, some of them my friends. If you'd like I could put you into contact with one... He said he had an account here, but I haven't found it yet lol...
LivePush is the account on here. I don't know if he checks it very often though, so I messaged him over facebook also. Only time will tell if he decides that he wants to (or is able to) practice.
dang lol. uhhh, thanks i lol.
I know this thread is a little old, but I would be glad to meet up with some of you. I'm in the South Bay, as well. I live in Milpitas and have two friends training parkour at Guardian Art with me. If you ever want to jam sometime, just let me know. :)

Also, where is a good spot in our area that has handrails? I really want to do some more experimenting with them, but I cam't seem to find any.


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