Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Inspiration from anything for everyone!!! (warning: videos...)

Every now and then, I find myself a little "short on my dough" and going to the Y-M-C-A doesn't help... (Village People, 1978)
That's when I turn to YouTube for something REALLY inspirational, and usually not-directly-parkour-related, yet parkour transferable...

I will post a couple of my favorites, asking you to do the same, if you wish (embed or link), but trying to avoid obvious repetitions, uninspired commercials and predictable vids.
Also, writing a line, a title, or the reason why you deem it inspirational is nice, as well as keeping comments brief and as direct replies to each individual post...
[This will also keep our video section free from non-pk clips...]

I'll start out...

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"Don't let the weather", "Don't let the laziness", "Don't let the beauty", "Don't let the city", "Don't let cramped spaces", "Don't let gravity", "Don't let doubt", "Don't let stereotypes"
"Don't let them stop you"

i know its a commercial- but i thought it was inspirational :)
...terrific closing! Very elegant...

Also great "ballerinas" duo.
OH Nike, when are your commericals not an inspiration?
I think The Last Samurai is a great inspiration to the spirit of movement. Yamakazi does mean Modern Samurai, but unlike the Samurai, our purpose is not to serve, but to liberate ourselves from society. It is still important that we hold our own ways like these ancient warriors have. Like us they have struggled to be recognized by society, they even struggled amongst themselves. To find meaning in the way of the warrior. We train to strengthen our mind's and body's. Let's not forget the spirit, because that, is where it begins. I have drawn inspiration since the first day I saw this movie. I think meditation should become a vital part of parkour for those who trace with the intention to find themselves a greater path in the art form. For me, Parkour complete's me, but I have yet to meditate deeper as to why, to continue to train with the purest intentions in mind.

...thanks for sharing your feelings on this.
TED talks has some of the most profound concepts that are sometimes life changing, these are priceless ideas thawt inspire knowledge and wisdom. This applies to anyone's's always worth the 20 minutes for me. But there are so many videos to choose from I can't learn it all. Would be great to give my own TED talks presentation one day.

Tony Robbins: Why we do what we do, and how we can do it better.

...this was great, as frankly most of them.
My personal favorite being this (both funny and moving to tears... if you get through it, remember that "Frank sent this"...).
One most everyone can relate to. David Belle showing another side of himself.

According to description this thread is for "not-directly-parkour-related, yet parkour transferable" vids.
Anyway, David's exemplary behavior has been previously featured and discussed here...
Oh, thanks ^^.
[this is for Christina]
Stefan Holm is only 5'11" (short for a high-jumper)... I'm 5'10"...

..."scissor kick"? WTF!?!

...excuse me? Hurdles?!?


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