providing this awesome community a world class indoor training facility! My son, who is 6, fell in love with this training and through him I've had the opportunity to meet some absolutely amazing people. The parkour community has been nothing but amazing to me and my family and in the hopes of making a positive contribution, I've created a small school to help introduce people to the culture. Eventually I hope to be able to provide everyone an amazing indoor facility, but for now we are going to open very modestly. Everyone is invited to look at the first version of our website and you are welcome to provide any feedback to me you like. I want this school to be inclusive and transparent so all feedback is welcome.
Hi, welcome to Bay Area Parkour. It's nice to know there will be another option for gym time around here, but I haven't been able to find any information on your coaches. What kind of qualifications do they have? I organize most of the South Bay sessions at BAPK, and it would be great if your coaches could drop by a session to meet up with the community. We'd like to get the chance to know you guys and train!
Hi Fyrel!
Thanks and anytime there are any south bay sessions happening I'll make sure my guys are there!
I haven't yet posted the info regarding my instructors on the site because this is a huge week for them. There are milestones I want them to achieve before I to put up there information. But I currently have two instructors, their names are Frankie Fuentes and Desheay Jenkins, they have been teaching for 5 + years in the area for another organization. Both instructors are no longer associated with that organization and we are not affiliated with that organization in any way. I've sent one of the instructors, Desheay Jenkins, to Hawaii this week to attain the APK certification and train with Travis Graves. Our other instructor,Frankie Fuentes, is being sent to Austin, Texas this week to attain WFPF certification and train with multiple athletes from around the country.
In the future whenever there are south bay events I'll make sure that my instructors and I attend. Would it be ok to also bring my son? He is in love with Parkour and Freerunning, he's only 6 though. You can check the little guy out on my instagram page if you like. @dadad_punch (sorry, thats the proud dad talking)
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