The reason why I (speaking as an individual, any myths about authority are ones you place on me, not ones I claim or aspire to) don't support shows promoting parkour as spectacle- aside from creating a one-off "championship" title made for the show- is very much because I was never attracted to parkour for the big moves and flips. For me it is and has always been because it reflects a mindset that is similar to that which has made attracted me to other activities. I'm not saying that everyone has to approach parkour with the mindset I had, but to make the point that not everyone is inspired by the flashy stuff they seen on TV or YouTube.
I don't see inability to attract people as an issue BApk or any other parkour organization has had difficulty with- developing leadership and other infrastructure to retain active, contributing members are problems that I see just about every parkour community is dealing with (just about every group with something cool going on, actually, regardless of what they do).
I think that more people always means more potential to retain active, contributing members. Because there's always people that come and go, but occasionally people come and stay.
And I think you're lucky that you were able to find out about parkour without the big moves and flips. Honestly if i wasn't at first attracted to that i probably wouldn't have started at all, because i really found out about the mindset and how it all felt much later. I think it's sad that i knew about 3run before I knew about the yamakasi, but sadly i doubt they're going to have a showing of generation yamakasi on american television any time soon.
I wasn't able to find out about parkour without the big moves and the flips- as of a few years ago that's been unavoidable- that's just not what attracted me to it. To be honest, because I'm attracted to what's common with other activities I've enjoyed, I'm as likely to be someone who eventually moves on to something else, just more on the timeframe of a few years rather than a few tough sessions.
but... but... i started because I watched Oleg Vorslav's video, and met Andrey and Chris ---
If I would have seen Parkour x-games, my start would have been totally different, and I have no doubt in my mind that I would have had as much injuries as I've gotten BMXing.
If i had applied the parkour philosophy (if i had been aware of it at that time) to bicycling and I have no doubt I would have seen less injury.
Aero -- (to simplify) your argument is quantity has a quality of it's own.
I'm skeptical of that.
"100 times each side."
To get better=
Time spent > Time not being spent
Any quantity of quality time will retain that quality.
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