Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Inspiration from anything for everyone!!! (warning: videos...)

Every now and then, I find myself a little "short on my dough" and going to the Y-M-C-A doesn't help... (Village People, 1978)
That's when I turn to YouTube for something REALLY inspirational, and usually not-directly-parkour-related, yet parkour transferable...

I will post a couple of my favorites, asking you to do the same, if you wish (embed or link), but trying to avoid obvious repetitions, uninspired commercials and predictable vids.
Also, writing a line, a title, or the reason why you deem it inspirational is nice, as well as keeping comments brief and as direct replies to each individual post...
[This will also keep our video section free from non-pk clips...]

I'll start out...

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...yeah, and who needs menisci anyway?!?

...also I've heard they had to put a gate on top of the staircase shoulder to prevent -ehm...- bravados to replicate this stunt.


Nice ad, but the message I'm taking away is "it doesn't matter whether you're a lion, gazelle or BP - if the sun has to keep coming up, we all better start running"...

Danny Macaskill at it again:

I thought I had posted his previous video already, but since I couldn't find it, here it is again.

And while I'm at it, why not add the one that put him on the map?

I love how there's so little bravado in these videos. His skills really speak for themselves and it really seems like he's doing it because he loves it and not to impress people.










2:35 and 4:20 of the first one obstacle so big one can't even perceive it.

A mental challenge so huge that would keep most on shore...

If you have never been out on rough sea, with no land in sight, on a naturally propelled vessel, I invite you to do so.
Even just for an afternoon...

[read more]

If you ever need to turn to "Bad-ass Mode"...

If you think you worked "a lot" or you're "good", forget it...

Train hard, stay humble, and most importantly: train for a lifetime of training.

...and look who's behind all this (in good and bad times... and ways...).

(and let's not forget Dads...)

mirrored here:

Best (most "fun") cross-training video seen in a while!

Integrate one of this exercises in your routine and start making a difference.

Then another, and another, and another...

(Note: starting a run in wet clothes in 30-40 degrees is not necessarily beneficial to everybody.

Same goes with shaving...) 

Ads always have an advantage for being targeted to inspire, but this is still a good story to begin with.

I like this one, too- even though it's based around competition, I think it breaks down the idea of work and assessment (and enjoying what you do).


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