Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Parkour Visions lead instructor Rafe Kelley discusses parkour programming (ie creating a training program) at the 2010 Parkour Summit in Seattle, WA.

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Comment by Ryan Fulmer on February 3, 2011 at 1:23pm

its already happened and youre just allowing it to happen.


i like the idea of recognizing the "action" which to me is just the focus on that movement as it happens in the moment (technique/power/preciseness) instead of the focus on the fear in the moment.



Comment by Seng on October 12, 2010 at 12:51pm
I don't think he's specific about time span because, for the purposes of setting goals and designing training programs, it's more useful to look at the rate at which an individual is improving (as defined by learning new skills or seeing changes in existing skills) than calendar time. So the beginner phase is when a new PR (personal record) may be achieved frequently, as often as every training session, an intermediate phase would be when PRs become less frequent and in an advanced phase, PRs come maybe a few times a year for someone who is training many times a week. That doesn't have any bearing on a person's skills relative to others, it's about how close to their individual potential they are.

I think the question, "how long have you been training?" is problematic since answering only with a quantity of weeks/months/years doesn't really consider the volume, frequency or quality of training, ie training once a week for a year with only about 30 minutes of movement each session is obviously much different than training 3x/wk for two months with 90 minutes of mindful training each outing.

I think the question of sustainability of training is largely a question of how an individual realistically defines goals which wasn't really touched upon in the lecture (which was perhaps more about how to go about achieving them, whatever they are). Goals will certainly change throughout one's training and, especially considering lifelong training, the eventual reality that one will never achieve another PR can be a pretty big deal. I think that would be a good topic for another discussion, especially in relation to growth and changes in the parkour community.
Comment by SafeNSure on October 11, 2010 at 12:26am
This is an awesome presentation; a bit stretch out and could benefit of some notes, highlights, or indexing to make sure to retain all the valuable points made.

I don't think that everybody practicing has to follow all criteria expressed, but for sure everyone coaching or training seriously should at least be aware of them.

If there's anything that I found lacking, it may be eventually the sustainability of this type of physical progression training: what time span are we talking about here? 6 months, 3 years or lifelong training?
I tend to believe the second, in increments of the first; I'm not sure that lifelong training is contemplated at all, but I might be wrong.

I am just under the impression that this mindset is hard to retain over a very long period of time, with life "getting in the way".
Comment by Seng on October 8, 2010 at 11:35pm
I think some of Rafe's statements are polarized to make a point (eg. if you train max speed in 100m dash, you will be able to transfer that more easily to endurance in a marathon), but I think the overall approach is very applicable to building the foundation of a functional and adaptable athlete. At the very least, a lot to consider in how and why to integrate various methods into one's own physical regimen.

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