Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Okay! Well, if I can remember correctly, it's been over a month since I started? Hehe, defiantly worked on my diet, which has made me much happier, but between work and school, I only have time to get out a really train once a week. :(

I'm still working on a few things:
-Getting over chain link fences quickly and efficiently. I've gotten some great advice from people, and I'm hoping to start working on that soon.
-I wish, oh I wish, that where I train had the perfect place for kong vaulting. Alas, there isn't, but next Fiday, I'm going to walk around town and find some good training spots.
-Rolling is going good, just need to speed myself up, and work on rolling after landing.
-Vaulting...Same with kongs, I need to find a better place to practice on those.
-The main thing I need to do [with both my work out and my training] is working on being able to push/pull myself UP; I just get stuck with my arms bent, my body hanging over the back, I am completely unable to call upon my strength and get up. :(
-Oh, and getting over my fears. =/ When I was out with a few others practicing, I didn't want to run and attempt a kong, not because I was afraid of hitting my knees, but I was afraid that I would clip my toes and fall face first onto concrete. :|
I either visual the pain was to detailed, or just do a fake out, I guess I could say...I run towards something [say, a spot for vaulting] but stop, and get closer and closer each attempt. I'm not even sure what I'm afraid of, but failing and hurting myself and mixed together.

Well, I need to get out and train more, for sure, and get onto working out when I can't.

Oh, and for the past month or so...I haven't lost a single pound. Wat.

Views: 14


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Comment by orem on March 23, 2009 at 12:51am
i actually gained weight when i started doing pk. was a good thing :)
Comment by Fyrel on March 22, 2009 at 9:44pm
Chain link fences are really just about hand/feet/eye coordination, and a turn or pop or gate vault at the top. Also, if you can find a picnic table, those are great for practicing any sort of vault. Progress until your fear is gone; I found this series of tutorials really helpful when I was starting vaults.


And also, don't worry about the weight thing. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat. If you absolutely feel the need to judge yourself (best not to at all), judge yourself on your movement progress; the weight loss/tone will come with it. Being useful > looking good

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