Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Edit on Goals for 2009 and Random Feeling

So, lately, I've had dreams where my legs and knees (particularly my knees) have been hurting a lot and I've woken up from them because they really have been hurting. I'm guessing this is from doing a lot of precision and power jumping but I'm not sure. Anyone else experience this? Anyway, I've stopped doing so much of that and have started concentrating on walking on railings and catwalks.

So, this brings me to an edit of what I am going to focus on for the rest of Spring and Summer:

*Be able to do a catwalk on a railing...or at least try to take 5 'steps' without falling
*Be able to walk upright on railings without wobbling
*Get over that wall/Work on pullups; be able to do at least one so I can pull myself over the wall

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Comment by monk on April 20, 2009 at 8:07am
Great goals June! my knees only hurt when i bang them against stuff =) but there's a ton of stuff out there (the internets ;) ) that will tell you to strengthen everything around your knees-- quads, hamstrings... . (Stuff like this and this)

when walking on rails, squeeze your abs! sounds weird but when you tighten your core, you'll find that your center stays above the rail more easily. at least that works for me, try it!

also getting over walls has to do with technique as much as it does upper body strength. strengthen up, but don't forget your feet! check out the footwork carrying this guy up here

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