Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

post-bunker thoughts for improvement

Thoughts from the bunker session today (thanks to all who made me think and assess my method, esp SafeNSure, Aero and Kaos):

• Try getting there on time for once. It would help if I went to sleep before, oh, 5am and got up before 11am. I want to see what other folks are doing for their warmups.

• Work on getting down instead of just going up. Lazy-vaultish descent off the flat roof to the walkway which could easily go into an underbar down another level then run around to wall run up to roof, back lazy back down to underbar, repeat. A controlled lowering over the roof to drop. Look for more things like this to drill instead of just doing once or twice without getting it smooth, like that nice block which is perfect for working on slightly long vaults of varying styles.

• The bunker by the lower lot also had some more approachable cat leap, a nice descending underbar over a gap and potentially a few small circuits. As with descents, repeat things more until they get ingrained in muscle memory.

• Despite the number of ways to climb up and down on the bunkers, they are lacking in rhythm work (like the Cap lunch tables). Lots of open space to run. Fun as it is to do the rhythm work, should use the strengths/challenges of a place more, ie do long runs from one end to the other running over obstacles on the way.

• Wear sunglasses or other protective lenses for all that dust and dirt blowing around up there

• Get a spotter and work on kicking over to get on the overhanging roof

• When is a leap more dangerous than confronting and assailant? When does a move really stop a pursuer and when does it just slow them down/give you more space? If they are only as fast or slower, perhaps less athletic or efficient, moves are good, otherwise perhaps not. If it's a lone assailant or a pair with a non-projectile weapons, it maybe be better to talk one's way out, if it's a mob, who knows. If they've got a gun, well, if they're a good shot then running just makes you die tired.

• Follow-the-leader is more active than capture the flag

• Work on sprinting and explosive first steps. If I'm going to play ultimate in the fall, I gotta really get those muscles going again.

• Introduce myself to new people; learn and remember names

• Remember first aid kit and moisturizing lotion. Consider taping hands when surfaces are really rough. Bring more durable arm warmers. Wear thicker socks so my feet aren't moving around in the Savants or try different shoes next time (the marginal difference in grip isn't making the difference on such rough surfaces).

• Leave the big camera at home or in the car- the midday light is going to suck at least until October. Use the video mode, analyze my movements.

Views: 15


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Comment by Seng on June 3, 2008 at 3:41am
You don't need to goad me into coming out to Sloat, though it probably helps. Definitely want to check that spot out. Is that happening tonight?

I like going off on my own sometimes because it gives me a chance to move very ungracefully or crash outright without much embarrassment. I would like to get back a little of the discipline I used to have before life snuck up on me and all my time disappeared; I used to practice music about 3hrs/day through high school, practiced ultimate 4-5x/wk (about 12-16hrs/wk on non-tournament weeks) when doing that competitively so doing a couple sessions a week also brings up the question of how pk and sport in general functions in my life now. Mostly, it's good full-body exercise and mental challenge since the desire to learn more (and consequently put in more time) has to be balanced with other priorities in life (wish that weren't so sometimes).

To be honest, this may be the first time I've really thought of an activity as "training"- before, everything else was just messing around. A sign of age (aka "growing up/old") or perhaps my awareness of my lack of discipline/need for structure which makes me place the values of training onto what is at its heart a play activity (as many Belle/Foucan/Yamakasi/etc videos will attest to). So perhaps the messing around needs to be more a priority than "training" for balance with the other parts of (my) life.
Comment by Ryan Fulmer on June 2, 2008 at 8:16pm
too cool for capture the flag is more like it.... haha nah seng has been goin off lately. last week at sutro too. if he made it out to a tuesday sloat jam... he might be unstoppable......
Comment by Chris on June 2, 2008 at 5:37pm
Here is a thought ON improvement. You did a lot on your own, which is something everyone needs to work on. You seemed pretty disciplined.
Comment by SafeNSure on June 2, 2008 at 12:13pm
...delayed New Years propositions pretty much good for everybody here!

(btw: stimulated and related to this session...)
Comment by Ryan Fulmer on June 2, 2008 at 11:08am
yeah i wear two pairs of socks sometimes, especially if there is alot of concrete....

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