Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

i'm changing the purpose of this thread to "all things related to womens' jams!"

it started as a planning/preparation thread for the first womens jam, but we've come a long way now and i want to open this up to include any forethoughts/duringthoughts/afterthoughts on the jams.


---------------------i'll just keep the orignal post below------------------------------------------------------------
calling all ladies!! i'd like to gather some ideas for planning baparkour's first all women's jam! all levels welcomed!

we'll start with a warm up-- jog and conditioning
skills training, practice
cool down and debrief

help me answer some of these questions:

1. Day of the week? perhaps a Saturday?... unless we want to compete with the normal Sunday jam? and let's pick a date that gives us 2 weeks notice.

Also, hope we can do this when Andrea's ankle is healed...

2. Location?! static or mobile? we can (try to) spend all day in one favorable spot. Or start at the Embarcadero and work the downtown area a little.
i'll do some weekend checking-things-out. and i have to believe that a group of girls will not be as likely to be kicked out of a spot, i'd hate to use my uterus to our advantage but.... ;)
... or maybe i'm wrong and we'll be running!

3. These are very preliminary and i want it to be a very open discussion, so... What else?!

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just thought i'd put a description of this past February Women's Jam up...

i thought it went great! 13 ladies in total. we had a very diverse group of girls, all from different age groups, backgrounds, experience levels, etc. we did the typical stretching and warm up jog which we all welcomed since it was a bit of a chilly day. following this, we did some QM, core, and upper body conditioning in and on the WWII battery. this is actually one of my favorite parts of a jam because we got to talk about and explain why we do these and how certain conditioning movements help you in the overall scheme of doing parkour. then we broke out and moved around the structure. in another areas at that general location, we practiced underbars, precision jumps, and did some fun rail work. we ended the day at the cool fun bunker where we took this picture

i think it's safe to speak for the group and say that we all had a lot of fun!
Absolutely great job!
And if some lady out there thinks along the lines of "oh, this is tough! I'm never gonna make it!... well ma'm you are -sorry!- wrong. :)

As exemplified here below:
yesterday's training was really great! from now on instead of doing ONE monthly womens jam on a Sunday, i'd like to do TWO of them every month, one on a Saturday and one on a Sunday. This plan will hopefully fit more people's (ladies') schedules and get the girls to consistently come out and train and get better. i see a lot of potential in these girls and we need to keep on training. i also encourage everybody to come out to the conditioning sessions to help with your efficient progression (or make sure you do it on your own)!
...aaaand every Gal out there please remember that the 'regular sessions' (like the Sunday Basic, the Silent Training, a.s.o.) really are -and have always been- for EVERYbody... this includes women...

In fact, some intrepid representatives of your side of the fence have been kicking male's butts since the beginning of BApk, and many take advantage of this interesting 'feature' regularly...
i think two jams are great as i can't make it on sundays. thanks for organizing this.
Sundays are best for me. :)
here's a review of the 2nd Jam we had in March
lets do this again soon


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