Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Hey, guys,

Thanks to Chris and Seng, I've realized that I ought to post here about our visit in addition to SFPK. Basically, I and two other traceurs would love to get together with you locals for a good training session with sometime during our visit. I'm throwing January 3rd out there tentatively because it's a Saturday and those tend to be good, but New Year's, New Year's Eve, or Sunday the 4th all work fine, too. I don't have any locations in mind, but I already plan on taking my friends to the bunkers, so someplace else would be cool.

Is anyone interested in a meetup? Is anyone available? There's a thread on SFPK about this, too, so it's a race to whoever picks a specific place and time first ... I can't commit us to two separate gatherings as I don't know what our itinerary will be. I gather that the members of this board are closer to my own philosophy of training and parkour than the average SFPK member, so it'd be great to have something that works for a lot of you, but at the same time we want to meet as many people as possible, and anyone willing to come out.

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I've watched them like a million times. Really can't wait to see TK.
Ack! I'll still be down in LA on winter break then! Duncan, any chance you guys would like to come down and hit up UCLA as well or another such awesome sites that are available there? I'm sure the other SoCal folk would be thrilled to have you all ;)
Hey BAParkour, I'm Andrew, from North Carolina and I'm going to be in San Francisco from Dec. 22nd-Jan 4th. I'm not traveling with TK, Jeremy, and Bao, but our paths have coincidentally crossed. Chances are, I'm going to train with them during their entire stay but I won't be able to attend any sessions on Jan. 4th. I hope some of you guys hook up with us in-between holiday festivities because I would love to train with traceurs from the West coast.
Alright, I guess the first of TK's "friends" has arrived. I'm going to try my hardest to post where and when I'm training in both the BA and SFparkour forums. For this forum, most likely, it will be in the last minute training sessions thread.
Errrr, I forgot to say that I'm living with my grandparents, who live pretty much across the street from SF City College. In addition to attending the scheduled events, I'll prob be training in the nearby areas like City College, Sloat, Lowell HS, Minnie Lovie Ward rec center, and SFSU. If you want to reach me quickly, my cell is (919) 607-1480 and email is

TK, Jeremy and Bao should arrive within a week.
...yes, very much appreciated.
Everybody watches that...
pump up the jam kiddies
See you guys soon, I'm pretty excited :)

...some pictures up here.

40+ people attended and only 2 comments/thanks for Duncan?

Jeez... tough crowd!
(Lol... or not?)
Sunday was great! Thanks TK for the new conditioning drills. Thanks to Jeremy and Bao with the help on the "Thief vault".
Looking forward to seeing you guys again, later this year! Cheers!
Hey guys, thanks for coming out and jamming with Duncan, Jeremy, me. It was a pleasure to meet traceurs on the other side of the states - let alone being able to train with them! I will definitely be adding more BAPK-style runs to our local training sessions. If Duncan hasn't sent anyone the QMs, I'll be sure to post up videos in the near future. If there was anything else that we showed you that you'd like to be posted, just ask - I only remember there being the stair routine and Duncan's wall form. Hopefully, we'll have the opportunity to train or jam with each other again. If you guys are ever in NC, be sure to give NCPK a shout - we'd love to host you guys.



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