Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

alrighty guys, after me pking for about 10months straight i had to stop for about 2 months because of a leg injury (completely tore my quad) and the start of school. Now im ready to start again. Im happy to see lots of action on this site, as i remember when it was jsut started.

I got my liscene and a car so now i can go to alot of Sunday jams that used to be nearly impossoble for me to attend.

sooooo yeah.
any comments/hellos/anything else u wanna say can be said below

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Hi Adam! Welcome back...
I'm glad your leg is ok, now.
Shoot!... you (and John) missed us last Sunday at Capuchinos, but we are planning to come down more often.
You guys got a hell of a spot!

Your picture attached above won't be open by many, so I'll embed it for you here AND link it to the larger image...
How's that?!?! =)

haha good thanks man.
yeah i missed you guys=[ i had a soccer tournament.
but next time for sure. =]
Hey, glad to see you're back. Let's go to Capuchino some time and make a video.
welcome back dude :]


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