Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

This discussion is wholesale stolen from Corn at SFPK, but too good of an idea not to share here.

I notice that we rarely do any PK on scaffolding - mainly for practical reasons, I guess:
- difficult to do it discreetly as a group. However in two's or three's it is excellent training.
- they are often built in a way that doesn't work well for PK (all the bars start too high up).
- they are temporary.

Currently, there is supposed to be a good spot at California and Mason. I'll try to check it out next week.

Although, scaffolding is great for training rail work, underbars, 'fear of heights' and more - a few words of caution:
- Scaffolding is private property and should be respected as such.
- Scaffolding can be loose or shaky and potentially dangerous. Inspect with care, and proceed with caution.
- Scaffolding can be very high, high enough from which a fall could result in serious injury or even death.

That said, update this thread with the location if there's any good scaffolding up to train on!

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Scaffolding is going up again at Dwinelle on the Cal campus. The whole building this time!
The Dwinelle Balcony Repair Project is scheduled as follows:

Monday, October 4, 5am start - scaffolding set-up around entire building (including Ishi Court)
Tuesday, October 5 - Thursday, October 7 - 6am start - scaffold set-up at balconies around entire building
Tuesday, October 5 - repair work commences
Thursday, November 11 - Durham scaffolding removed
Friday, November 19 - Remaining scaffolding removed

Expect NOISE and DUST and temporary ingress/egress restrictions at building entrances. Encourage building occupants to keep windows near balconies closed when repair work is in progress.
On upper height near the entrance to golden gate park there was a three story tall piece of scaffolding I didn't get the cross street but its only two or three blocks down from the McDonald's. The scaffolding is more tall than anything else its not very long or wide but it is very very stable.

Also they are doing construction on Capuchino high school near milbrae and the last time I was there they had some as well maybe some one who is in that area can confirm for us if its still up.

Does this not look like it's straight out of a video game? O'Farrell at Taylor, San Francisco.

Jam here. Friday Tomorrow morning 10am.
If I do recall there's a scaffolding spot on Market right next to Chipotle. And next to that is a nice fountain area for training.


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