Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Every so often, the weekend training moves around (see videos).
Feel free to suggest a potential spot, maybe adding a picture and of course the location.

We will be soon hitting this interesting structure up again:

Also, feel free to hit it up by yourself or with your friends following this "Presidio pk exploration" map; it's the "warm-up station" close to the Presidio YMCA gymnasium.

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I want a full map of bay area training grounds...I'll get to work on it.
yeah a big interactive map that would have icons linked to a more detailed page. we could then have a little thread for people to comment on their experiences and opinions of the spot. (beginner oriented, "sick kong to cat", good rail flows, ect)
mikeywr, hillexallen, Kirill and some others of us just hit that spot up. I have some photos...Check em out.
cool... you guys having fun!
Kirill, Mike and hillexallen are "regulars"; actually I believed at least two of them did the Presidio pk outing some time ago...
Anyway feel free to invite them here!
I believe, once you connect as "friends", you can broadcast messages to all of them... look around, it's new for us too.
In the meantime I uploaded two of your shots, hope it's fine.
Yeah I'm actually honored that someone wants my photos. Thanks Giorgio!
It would be cool to start this map then follow it each week,just an idea!
Alright! You never know what this City offers you when you go out for a walk (with investigative eyes...).

I want to show you a little thinghy that may attract your attention:

which sits, unused, close to these interesting structures:

All not too far from another "gem",

and of course, being SF, great nature and views come always with the package:

Anybody up for some deeper investigation?
yes please. any day this week (provided I'm not learning how to get choked out by Ryan).
whoaaa. good finds!!
nice spots. I'm down for some exploration.
...tomorrow PM -Wednesday 11- 6:30ish?
I've post it as event...

But, being a test, we may want to keep it small, and we need vehicles from public transportation. I can drive 3.
Meet up details here...


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