Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Keenan "Nomad" Manely
  • Male
  • San Mateo, CA
  • United States
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Keenan "Nomad" Manely's Friends

  • Seamus Glennon
  • Masa Suzuki
  • Amanda George
  • Labrunner
  • Luke Fornwald
  • Kevin Shao
  • tokyotristen
  • Quinn Sommer
  • dan =(
  • Sean
  • Mitch Daly
  • Stacie McCarthy
  • caleb m matheny
  • gensesh
  • Sherwin Yu

Keenan "Nomad" Manely's Groups

Keenan "Nomad" Manely's Discussions

Mid Bay Spots
12 Replies


Tags: Spots, Exploration, Mateo, San, Bay

Started this discussion. Last reply by Keenan "Nomad" Manely Jan 13, 2012.

Animation Blog

Cloud Panoramas

I hiked up to the top of Laurelwood to take pictures of the crazy clouds that came in today.

here's a cleaned up 8K of the full version

Zuvo Stratus Indiegogo campaign launched!

I've been working with the great folks at D2M to produce this product video for their Stratus water filter. I just finished production on the video and they have launched their webpage. Check out the video I produced for the campaign.

 Along with the video, I produced this Cinemagraph for their website backsplash.

You can check out them out at

Sculpture Projects

Took intro to sculpture with Thomas Applegate at Cogswell last semester. Following are the two sculptures I completed as well as some of the processes used to create them.

Our first project was a chimera and it's human master. My design combined a kudu, giraffe and a hippopotamus to make a "Kudiraffamus". His master would be a spear fisherman.

This first stage was a rough maquette whose legs were way too short and pretty much just looked like a fat deer. As seen above.

I worked on a second maquette with longer legs. This one's proportions were much more to my liking. See him here next to my printer.

Next I drew armature maps: side view, front view and top view, then created the final armatures for the characters.

The hippo body was padded with styrofoam.

Clay was slathered to the surface. The interesting thing about this project was creating this top heavy animal, who would also have a rider, be put into a walking pose, and be sturdy and balanced. On the right you can see a bit of the hardware sticking out of the kudiraffamus's back. I epoxy'd a coupling bolt into the armature of the animal an some aluminum tubing into the pelvis of the rider. The tubing slipped over the coupling bolt and a screw could be tightened through the riders back to secure him to his steed. This made sculpting the individual characters easier

Here are the results.


Our Second project was a transformation.

To visualize our final sculpture, we took photos of armatures, then digitally painted masses over the images.

For this Project I made 3 identical armatures. I worked on these 2 fellows simultaneously. up through secondary form. I then used the 3rd armature to create the "sculpture" using candle wax (paraffin). Applying what I learned from the clay (plasteline) characters to the wax sculpt.

Working with the wax was interesting. I melted it down to liquid then as it solidified I applied it to the armature. Most of the armature was covered in styrofoam before I applied the wax. Using a serrated tool I scrapped out the rough shapes I wanted. Then with a wire loop I smoothed out the surface and finally polished it with a paper towel and some friction to get it to look a bit like stone.

Here's how the final sculpture came out.


Fridays Technical Training in San Mateo

Profile Information

RealLife First Name: (if differing from screenname, otherwise put "same")
Time Training:
Multiple Years
How did you find us?
Friend's referral/invitation, "...dude! We talked for at least 10 minutes today!?!"
Can you support the group with transportation? # of seats?
Yes I can provide rides 4 seats
About Me:
month one learning basic vaults. Need to work on muscle ups. qm QM!!!!

I'm a film student I plan to bring my camera equipment to jams and make some videos.
Other Physical Disciplines:
Stop Motion Animation. It's not physical like parkour, but requires a lot of work with my hands. There is something zen like about creating motion one frame at a time. The polar opposite of parkour and yet with both we try to understand and control bodies in motion.

Long Time Baseball Pitcher for 11 years. Haven't played in a while though.
Do you plan on SPAMMING this community?
"no... why?"

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Comment Wall (23 comments)

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At 4:51pm on October 7, 2011, Bay Area Parkour said…
None of the usual organizers/attendees was able to attend/set it up.
Sorry about that!
At 8:14am on March 9, 2011, SafeNSure said…

...I don't know if you saw this; I just wanted to make sure you did.


I think you guys are doing a great job "down South", and it always shows.


At 11:32am on February 20, 2011, Thomas "Grave" Anderson said…
if this was facebook i would like ur status =P
At 2:37pm on October 19, 2010, SafeNSure said…
...not really, but it could be done.
We could have a joint sesh at CAP, but who would see us? (I imagine that would be a goal..)
Other ideas for a spot? Aquatic park in SF?

Can you please loot at where the guy at 3:22 is landing his precision in that video...
At 10:35am on October 7, 2010, dan =( said…
you still going to castle rock?
At 4:26pm on September 16, 2010, Sean said…
sorry i didn't come last week i didn't see the location change so I looked for you guys at Aragon and San Mateo High but I couldn't find you
At 4:12pm on August 18, 2010, Gene said…
suggestion for our jam session names. peninsula seems a little weird to me cuz the whole area's a peninsula, y'know? i used to be on a swim team called the mid peninsula mariners, so how about we say "mid peninsula jam session"? just a thought.
At 10:33pm on July 23, 2010, Stacie McCarthy said…
Thanks! ^_^ It's good to be here. It was lots of fun training with you guys last weekend. Was SUPER sore for a few days. XD
At 11:47pm on July 7, 2010, I think im tarzan said…
dude u did a great job with the vid, turned out better than expected!
At 11:11am on June 14, 2010, Gene said…
sup keenan!

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"Summer parkour jam"
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"I just wanted to stop in and say hi I'm sure there still is some people on here that will remember me from back in the days."
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Nov 13, 2020
Michael Matey joined Parapsycho's group
Nov 13, 2020
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