I'm a dancer also so if you guys want inspiration and rhythmic performances come watch our show please.
You may heard our commercial on the radio.
Kirstin E. Williams' Strong Current Dance Co. & Kirstin's CCSF Strong Pulse Hip Hop and Jazz Crew presenting:
"Nation's Rhythm"
May 21st & 22nd @8:00pm
Fridays & Saturdays
@CCSF Wellness Center 3rd floor Performance Theater on Ocean Ave. @Phelan Ave. San Francisco, CA!
Celebrating our diversity with
High powered hip hop, jazz, contemporary, modern dance, spoken word, live rap, film & fashion for social change and inspiration!
Guest Artists: Axis Dance Co., Syde Präjekt CSM, Ultimate Alliance Dance Co., Shakeel Ali w/Askacademy, Diversity in Motion, Faye Inc., Brandon J., Dabareh Jones/Juan Gill, Bianca, dance ceres & The Motion Explosion Swing Team!
Tickets $15 at the door & children 10 & under are Free! All children welcome to perform in the Groovin' piece! www.strongcurrent.org 415-452-7329 for more info! Spread the word & hope to see you there! 