Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Yamakazi in "Ensemble" by Apollo J

Best pk/music video I've seen by far. Really positive vibes with emphasis on a caring, helpful community.

Views: 126

Location: France


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Comment by Kirill on March 5, 2009 at 8:40pm
I really like how Yann (Lukas) carries the child in the stroller.
Comment by Anthony on March 5, 2009 at 4:35pm
0:52 like a super hero
Comment by SafeNSure on March 5, 2009 at 8:59am
my deep comment: loved that idea of a runner being revitalized by the energy of the next runner (1:46); on a larger scale I wish that kind of transfer would take place on life-scale (example: my parkour will become tired way before the one of a 14 years old today -I hope for him-... watching his enduring practice will revitalize me...)

my stupid comment: WHOA!! cool! We should try some of that co-op parkour stuff! (we really should, shouldn't we?)

my smart-ass comment: they really know how to make a tearjerker, don't they? ("daddy!"... sigh-sigh...) They got me...

Yamakasi being self-ironic become more sympathetic (when Laurent oversees the training, he purposely looks like a bored music video director... fun!)
Music rocks!
Comment by orem on March 5, 2009 at 2:30am
I dig this video so much. The overall vibe rocks with good feelings and I appreciate the amount of thought that was put into the details. For example 2 of my favorite parts were 1) Laurent overseeing the kids training, and 2) Laurent tracing with (what I'm assuming is) his whole family to help Apollo J out.

1) means a lot because it's a very real part of the pk community represented: a whole group of people conditioning together, and it's the first time I've seen it in major media. I think that small scene goes a long way in legitimizing the discipline in non-practitioners' eyes; it shows that parkour is not just a few very athletic crazy guys jumping everywhere, but a practice a lot of people dedicate themselves to.

2) What's not to love about a whole parkour family? :] I've fantasied about a future where parkour is the normal way of life since I started practicing, and this was like seeing a dream realized. And perhaps we're getting a glimpse of how early humans moved together.... COOL.

Also quite impressed with the moves Apollo J pulled off. The yamakazi must have trained him themselves for the video, very cool that the singer himself did a bunch of pk throughout the film (though he may have had a stunt double for one or two things ;).

And even the song has super positive lyrics from what i could catch. I daresay great piece of media for parkour.

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