Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

June 11

Short night session around my old high school. It really has a lot of potential, but mostly fun if you're more advanced. Not too long ago Taylor made a nice video showing some of it off:

While there I ended up mostly practicing my kong run up, learning to trust it more and more in the outside world. I want to have enough trust in it that it serves me well on Saturday :P I also worked bear kong on both sides and nearly made the wallrun you see Taylor do at 0:43, except on the other side without the step. Kept slapping metal,but I bet I could have it in a few weeks ;)

June 12
Thursday. Gym day! They actually were doing vaults so I crashed the class. Now my speeds need more work... can't stop doing any of this stuff :/ Which is a great thing about parkour - you have to keep doing movements or you'll lose them. Can't get toooo big of a head (though I hear it helps with bailing). On my higher kongs I noticed I was landing badly; it felt way too stiff and shocking, and started to hurt. Of course it was cause I'd started landing on my heels, which sent a jolt through my spine every time. Interesting how much better a proper landing feels, that the balls of your feet make things so much smoother and more comfortable.

We met a couple traveling aussies at the lesson, and took them with us to Roscoe's (chicken and waffles) where we compared slang and accents. Really cool couple, hope to see them next week and train with them outside the weekend after.

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Comment by orem on June 13, 2008 at 1:57pm
haha, um bear kong is the nick i like for the diagonal kong, where you walk your hands over the object. and by kong run up i literally mean how i run up to my kongs. i used to do a bit of a gallop at the end, but the guys worked to get that stamped out of me :P
Comment by SafeNSure on June 13, 2008 at 1:53pm
also: "JuicyLA"
Comment by Iliketovaultthings on June 13, 2008 at 1:51pm
...whats a bear kong, and kong run up?
Comment by SafeNSure on June 13, 2008 at 1:44pm
and Video!
Comment by SafeNSure on June 13, 2008 at 1:33pm
Comment by orem on June 13, 2008 at 1:21pm
well we've both open and closed then. cliff's classes are geared towards newbie newbs, and are capped at little over 20 and are held weekly on thursdays. but once a month he has a session that has no limit for participants and goes over all the basics of parkour in 3 hours. in fact here's the page about the class:

then i guess after class could be considered an open gym.

check out the forums if you'd like to see about what the other socal guys do.
Comment by SafeNSure on June 13, 2008 at 1:14pm
on 2) I meant the gym-session, though: cost/schedule/#of participants a.s.o., if it's all open, than it boils down to price, access for minors, and hours...
Comment by orem on June 13, 2008 at 1:00pm
(1) the gym likes cliff teaching parkour classes because it draws in a lot of customers. socal seems to have loads of open gyms, especially in San Diego (they've got like six or something ridiculous). I dunno, kids just go out and find them, see which gyms are cool with it.

(2) outdoor sessions seem to be always open. i've never seen anything else on the boards. just here's the time and location, come out if you want. if it's a more exclusive thing it's probably organized by phone calls :P socal's pretty casual.

@Kirill: like i've said, Tayzon kicks ASS. on youtube look up his UCLA vid called "juicyla." at the end he makes a move previously only done by DB there
Comment by Kirill on June 13, 2008 at 9:23am
Wow- thats awesome!!!!! *pst* if anyone cares- the song is "Graver Dans La Roche" by "Sniper"
Comment by SafeNSure on June 13, 2008 at 9:07am
...could you give us an insight on how the SoCal kids (1) managed to have an available gym, (2) organize their sessions (as in: open-, class-, invitation-, promotion-, demo-, or else...)?

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