Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Our name is a little deceiving. We are called Bay Area Parkour, but in reality we have the best representation of active practitioners in the city of San Francisco. We have an amazing group. We help each other, we look out for each others safety, and we train together...a lot!

Last weekend at the end of our session, we were roaming and jamming. I performed very technical and slightly dangerous cat leap. Dimitri, who is always eager and confident, gave it a try. He came up short being no worse for wear, but I saw the potential for injury. So when he quickly stepped up to try it again, I suggested he get down. Being the determined guy that he is, he insisted on trying again. That was when I said I knew of a great spot to work up to it, and insisted he try it there first. I can be a bit pushy at times. He took my advice, and we made our way to the spot I mentioned. He was able to progressively try cat leaps of increasing size, and quickly realized the benefit of what I had insisted upon. He is now much better prepared to try the more technical cat leap. I felt good that I had been insistent/pushy and Dimitri felt the same.

The great thing about BA Parkour is that the large majority of us share this mentality. We are always looking to advance our training, but are willing to put in the hard work of slow progression. This group does not take any short cuts in their training. We are smart, safe, and strong in that regard. This 'beginner' mentality is so important. We are all beginners...even me. Training this way forever will allow for longevity in parkour. Because, what use are we if we are injured?

Another great thing about BA Parkour is that decisions are made in groups outdoors by active practitioners. Directing the scene in this way ensures that the people who are out there training every week benefit the most. This site is not about the ideas of any one person, it is about all of us.

While some still feel that the scene would be better off having only one website, I couldn't disagree more. The two sites have completely different directions. The ideas behind each site are so different that separation is a must. Without passing any judgment, compare the paragraphs above to these actions: encouraging people to train without health insurance, offering prizes to anyone (even beginners) who perform certain highly technical and dangerous stunts, showcasing excessive drops (often to crowds of beginners). While the other site may mean well, their goals simply do not align with the majority of active people in the city. That is why this site ( is so important. People need an alternative.

Views: 448


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Comment by Andres Ornelas on August 17, 2013 at 2:23pm

Great write-up! Makes me glad to join this group and excited to begin learning with you guys. #rockOn

Comment by Ryan Fulmer on June 27, 2009 at 12:31pm
At gym jams is when the monsters inside this Bapk "mentality" are allowed to roam free.

If you are going tonight try something "stunt" like or "showcase" something "excessive". This is your time to get a little more "reckless", and just bust something you never have and fall flat on your face. No cameras just Edgar or someone yelling "muy bien." "that was awesome. Do it again".

You have to be willing to push it in what we do in order to progress, and bailing into softness is the best opportunity to do this( without being too much a traitor to the BAPK training philososphy).

Kaos lives
Comment by NoHero on April 1, 2009 at 9:11pm
Reading that makes me glad I'm joining this group.
Comment by Kirill on June 10, 2008 at 10:58pm
Agreement...nicely written.... Yeah
Comment by rift33 on May 19, 2008 at 3:58am
What kaos was saying about about the cat leap is o so true (Im dimitri) and having him show me a better way and spot of working up to the cat leap that I was trying helped alot! Being a member of baparkour and lerning by doing with you all each week has helped me alot!. Lets keep it up! It's what sets us apart from some of the other sites. We practice what we preach at least more often that is. not saying that bapk is In N E way better than the others,It just seems to be more of a better place for one to progress. At least in my opinion and for me..
Comment by veenutz on May 18, 2008 at 12:41am
great blog kaos. i hope to train/jam with you in the near future.
Comment by Chris on May 14, 2008 at 11:42pm
I'm glad everyone liked my first ever blog post...I never thought I'd be a blogger!..but this ning thing is pretty cool. Credit to Haley for blogging first and inspiring me.

I like that quote too. Put that above the logo we've been working on and we've got a nice shirt!
Comment by orem on May 14, 2008 at 10:43pm
"the hard work of slow progression" - favorite thing written in here. i think it should be a subtitle somewhere on the site.

i find the fact we needed to split sad, but completely recognize the need. in any event i hope this strengthens the community, and continues to help it grow. becoming ever swifter, and more efficient...
Comment by Anthony on May 14, 2008 at 7:31pm
the beginner sense creates a nice atmosphere i think
Comment by SafeNSure on May 14, 2008 at 7:27pm
...well, my screen name -picked before leaving 540+ posts on the other site- says it all; I love this PK-thing; as many others, I'm a little addicted to the whole program (training, videos, community, chats, forums and worldwide movement...), but I try to keep it real by training as much as I can, as I hard as I feel right and as often as my body (and the rest of my life) allows it...
And one thing has been, is and will be paramount where and with whom I train: safety first!
Fear, which is only natural -at ANY level- will not be defeated with recklessness, but with sure, and progressively gained, confidence.

*Aero: I get you a shirt if you don't do stunts on commission... of course a "Make Love Not War!" shirt... LOL!

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