Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble


I work as a counselor for a group home for adolescent girls (right now ages 14 - 18). We're always looking for new activities to get them out and exercising, and I thought they might love to learn about parkour. Is there someone to contact to find out whether we'd need liability waivers to bring the girls?

Thanks very much for your time-

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Hi Sandy!
Thanks for looking into this and for your inquiry...

As of now, this is BApk "policy" for minors attending our spontaneous meetings (if we can call it this way, since IMO you have to have a 'formal' organization to issue a 'policy', while BApk is NOT a formal organization...):

BAparkour is a volunteer based, non-profit, non-incorporated organization and does not carry insurance or accept liability for any person’s actions while engaging in any activity, whether or not it is endorsed or organized by BAparkour members.

Parkour jams and trainings are simply ad hoc meet-ups of anyone interested in Parkour.
There is no guarantee that anybody with first aid training will be present; indeed, it is possible that no member of BAparkour will be present at all.

In addition, while traceurs affiliated with BAparkour are always available and happy to help beginners learn the fundamentals of Parkour, they are not in a position to give medical or any other type of professional advice to anybody; in case of minors, he or she together with their parents or guardian must decide what activities are appropriate to attempt.

In conclusion, while BApk affiliates always stress the benefits of safety, caution and careful progression, as with any activity, parents or guardians have to make sure they know where and with whom their child are going and, if necessary, that someone in the group knows how to reach them in the event of an emergency.

This 'policy' is clearly stated here, and linked from BApk main page...

Now, having said that, I believe it's probably (but this isn't professional counseling either) advisable for any formal group organizing activities for adolescents, to have their own liability waiver for their members/participants.

Feel free to contact me, also per personal message if you prefer, and I can look more into that...
All that being said, 99% of the time, one or more of us will have a first aid kit along just in case.


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