Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

i'm changing the purpose of this thread to "all things related to womens' jams!"

it started as a planning/preparation thread for the first womens jam, but we've come a long way now and i want to open this up to include any forethoughts/duringthoughts/afterthoughts on the jams.


---------------------i'll just keep the orignal post below------------------------------------------------------------
calling all ladies!! i'd like to gather some ideas for planning baparkour's first all women's jam! all levels welcomed!

we'll start with a warm up-- jog and conditioning
skills training, practice
cool down and debrief

help me answer some of these questions:

1. Day of the week? perhaps a Saturday?... unless we want to compete with the normal Sunday jam? and let's pick a date that gives us 2 weeks notice.

Also, hope we can do this when Andrea's ankle is healed...

2. Location?! static or mobile? we can (try to) spend all day in one favorable spot. Or start at the Embarcadero and work the downtown area a little.
i'll do some weekend checking-things-out. and i have to believe that a group of girls will not be as likely to be kicked out of a spot, i'd hate to use my uterus to our advantage but.... ;)
... or maybe i'm wrong and we'll be running!

3. These are very preliminary and i want it to be a very open discussion, so... What else?!

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Replies to This Discussion, for the very important contribution only a male could provide, I gladly supply a suitable image for this honorable endeavor:

Not that I don't like "stilettos"...
No other girls have commented...?

My ankle doesn't seem to be able to do anything strenuous nfor probablyabout a month. I'd go ahead without me...
For future reference, Saturdays are usually free, but there's always the occasional conflict.

I'd actually be pretty interested to see if we get different security reaction than a mostly-male group would.
i know it's been lonely over here on this thread ;) (but thanks G for your input- put to good use!)

well a month from now will put us into mid-october which isn't too far from a very undecided target date. we could even do Oct. 25th. cuz i'd still like you to be there for the first one and of course we'll keep the girl jams going... if we get a popular demand.

how do people feel about the Saturday, October 25th?
If you need more people, I could come, and wear my headband. I'd blend right in! =)
=) thanks for the offer Glenn, but with you training with your shirt off, you'll blow your cover ;)
btw- hope to do some more slacklining again sometime... next time... caught me!
I always train with my shirt on... live around Castro... you know...
...up to all you girls, but if I can recommend something, I would try to nail down the following points in this order:

- goal/mission of the "separate" gathering (seems you are all right there, but it's good to have it paramount in ones minds...)
- format of the gathering (also seems to be on the right track...)
- location/s to accommodate format above
- date to maximize participation of "regulars", attendance of newbies...

None of the new decisions should affect the previously set ones.
thanks for the suggestions G!

as for the location, i found some old footage of some spots in the city. check out the video-- as a picture book of spots, not for its awesome/huge moves! ;) ... and let me know what you think. i'm leaning more towards the downtown area, or of course a school campus is always good

Ok, we're a couple weeks out! Oct. 25th will be a firm date at noon.

are more people taking public transportation, or do you have a ride?
i think i've narrowed it down to 2 places:
1) meet at/near Embarcadero Bart/Muni station (will be some moving around)
2) West Sunset Community center (39th ave & ortega)

thoughts on any of these spots?
the West Sunset community center looks amazing. my vote is for there!
hehe JUST KIDDING about that 10/25 date. it's on the 26th! Who's coming now?! =)
thanks for your vote on the spot Haley!
Hey Kele, welcome! looking forward to meeting you, and of course it's ok to bring a friend! we'll show you gals some of the pk ropes. it will be fun!


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