Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

My friend Teresa interviewed me last fall for her podcast, Tea with Teresa and the interview is online now.

It's about an hour long and recorded in three parts- first half hour is our initial interview, then an interlude when she came to GWHS for a Sunday session followed by another half hour of us talking about her experience and pk in general. There's some repetition of details in the second half because it was over a month between interviews, but I hope there are some thoughts in there worth listening through.

I'm still under a year of training so it's by no means authoritative, though for me it's interesting to hear what I said then since my ideas about parkour are continually developing. I think it's still pretty true to how I'm still thinking about parkour, even if it may miss some of the finer points or be somewhat subjective. Anyway, hope y'all like it and please keep the discussion going.

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I finally got to listen to this, and I'm gonna say that I'm really glad I didn't miss it!

I was less curious about Seng's ideas about parkour, the majority of which I know and most of them I also share (even if, hearing them spelled out to a "stranger", made me particularly appreciate their moderation...), than I was interested about the dynamics and the atmosphere of the podcast interview.
In conclusion I thought they differed a lot from PKNA ParkourRadio, and -of course!- from any documentary interview with any kind of visual support: a short film, a magazine article, a blog post w/pictures.

Necessarily, with the correspondent of a radio talk, every listener comes pre-loaded with their visual memories, which are going to greatly differentiate the visualization process of what said; thus I thought that maybe the reality check (when Teresa actually throws herself in the mix, at an actual session...) could have taken place earlier than 27:30, and maybe a couple of times, if the recording was worth it...

But other than that, great conversation flow, with a relatively new aspect portrayed, namely "awkwardness".
The very true statement of Teresa saying that she had to "give herself permission to feel silly", stroke quite a chord with me.

Of course, the majority of beginners that try out a parkour session for the first time come from a different position.
Many have "boiled" down their decision of coming to check the "real deal" outdoor after months of browsing and researching, and therefore show a higher degree of persuasion and excitement, if not necessarily more confidence...

But it's a good reminder about how for example a very junior, a senior, or a female first-timer (=minorities in respect to the practitioners present) could feel.

Good job to both of you!

[I couldn't find a "second part" of the interview, I could listen only to 35'...] :(
Mystery solved: the two parts of the interview have the same intro, but are -indeed!- different.

One streams directly from Teresa's blog, the second is linked right below...
Thanks for listening. I hope more people post their thoughts on awkwardness and anything else they liked/disliked in the conversation.

If you're having trouble streaming or downloading it from her site, you can also download or listen via the iTunes store.
Hmm, just checked the download- seems that it does indeed cut off at 35min14sec (40.3MB). The total podcast is 1hr02min04sec (71MB). I'm going to check with Teresa and see what's going on. In the mean time, anyone who wants to hear the whole thing should email me and I can get it to you directly.
Looks to be fixed now on Teresa's blog and iTunes.
...the second part of this is even better! (guess you guys got smoother...)
I loved her sense of amazement for what is -after all- a very basic and introductory experience...

Anyway, good listening!
Would be very useful for absolute first timers. (may find a way of linking it from the front page)

Hopefully you won't need to drag Teresa out again, instead, she will want to repeat....

In case anyone is digging through these old threads, the podcast is no longer online but I have a copy of the episode if anyone is really interested.

Why don't upload it?

It was really good, and it's an evergreen... :)


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