Bay Area Parkour

Train Hard - Stay Humble

Ok, I want to make another pk related graphic and this time I'd like to get the community in on it.

I want to know what parkour means to you and I want to bring our ideas together in a concise, dynamic text based image. Sound good? Cool.

Finish the following sentence;

Parkour is...

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Replies to This Discussion, let's not make semantic speculation.
Instead, let's fall back on 10+ major organizations definition of what parkour IS; what doesn't fall under those definitions (quite similar to each other), is most definitely NOT parkour... and is rather what one is "making out of it" (in a transformational sense).

We have also a (beta) test for verifying any statement about PK!

Maybe you meant Freerunning? Rage-froobling? Artistic Guarding? Making-Freezeframes-of-Rumplestiltskin?

ps: "Ace", a PKCali moderator and a 5+ years practitioners, has an interesting signature: "For every person that says Parkour is what YOU want it to be, god kills a kitten." -Ruzkin
Nuff said...
So, in other words... Parkour is not up for interpretation?
Everything is up for interpretation...
But if-and-when interpretations of things becomes a distortion, because of the wishful thinking of the interpreter (Ace's "what YOU want it to be"), the original meaning or message gets diluted, confused, changed or even lost.

Sometimes ultimately lost...

Maybe, for the sake of precision, the T-shirt graphic could say:
Parkour is... not up for more distorted interpretations.
Parkour is not a banana. In other words you can't call anything parkour. ;)

Parkour is fun.

Parkour is healthy.

Parkour is just plain awesome.
Parkour is freedom


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