Hi, ive literally nvr done parkour in my life, but i really wanna start. Im wonderin wat i would need and where i could get it. A little help would be REALLY appreciated!
P.S. Would the beginner training sunday be good for me?
Of course it would! Lol...
It's basic for a reason. :)
You would need: a pair of sneakers (any, to begin with), a water bottle, comfortable clothes and your parents permission (if you're a minor).
Nothing else, really...
Permalink Reply by drow on August 30, 2009 at 11:45am
im a fairly new beginner as well, and the advice i have would be GET OUT AND TRAIN. when you are starting out the only thing you can really do is to get out there and test yourself. watch a few tutorials on youtube so you get the gist of parkour, and just go to a park and engage in some tomfoolery :D
oh, and try to get a friend to do parkour with, it makes it a lot easier to push yourself if you have someone there with you for moral support